Bringing, Building, Spreading: Hope

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Mizero Children of Rwanda
Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 7:00pm
Packer Memorial Church
Mizero is a talented troupe of Rwandan orphans who carry an unforgettable message of hope and joy through song, dance, and drumming.
This non-profit group is touring the US and Canada to raise money for the young victims of the genocide and HIV/AIDS.
Mizero ( meaning “hope” in Kinyarwanda) has a mission to Bring, Build and Spread: Hope to orphans and other vulnerable children affected by the Rwandan genocide. And to share that faith with the future leaders of Rwanda so it can be passed on to future generations.
These children are serving as ambassadors, representing the over 1 million orphans in Rwanda. They are symbols of hope. And they are simply unforgettable, once you have experienced them and heard their story.
Sponosred by the Chaplain's Office and Global Union