Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 4:15pm
Sinclair Auditorium
Carl W. Ernst is a specialist in Islamic studies, with a focus on Iran and South Asia. His published research, based on the study of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, has been mainly devoted to the study of Islam and Sufism. His most recent book is Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World (UNC Press, 2003). He studied comparative religion at Stanford University (A.B. 1973) and Harvard University (Ph.D. 1981), and has done research tours in India, Pakistan, and Turkey, and has also visited Iran, and Uzbekistan. He has taught at Pomona College (1981-1992) and has been a visiting lecturer in Paris and Seville. A faculty member of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill since 1992, and department chair 1995-2000, he is now Zachary Smith Professor.
Sponsored by the Religion Studies Department and Chaplain's Office, Humanities Center, Asian Studies Program, Global Union, Department of Interntational Relations and the Department of Philosophy. Free and open to the public.