The Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue, co-author Dennis Cooley, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.
Ethics and Experience: Ethical Theory from Just War to Abortion. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012.
New Perspectives on the End of Life: Essays on Care and the Intimacy of Dying, Lloyd Steffen and Nate Hinerman, eds. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.
Holy War, Just War: Exploring the Moral Meaning of Religious Violence. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007. (Republication of The Demonic Turn, with new material.)
The Demonic Turn: The Power of Religion to Inspire or Restrain Violence. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2003.
Executing Justice: The Moral Meaning of the Death Penalty. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1998.
--Reprint Edition: (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2006).
Abortion: A Reader. Pilgrim Library of Ethics, Vol. 1. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1996.
--Reprint Edition: (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2010).
Life/Choice: The Theory of Just Abortion. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1994.
-- Reprint edition: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, Publishers, 1999.
Self‑Deception and the Common Life. American University Studies Series. Series 7 (Theology and Religion), Vol. 11. New York, Berne, Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang Publishing, 1986.
Death, Dying, Culture: An Interdisciplinary Interrogation. Edited and introduction by Lloyd Steffen and Nate Hinerman. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013.
Re-Imaging Death and Dying: Global Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited and introduction by Dennis R. Cooley and Lloyd Steffen. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2009.
2. ARTICLES AND REVIEW ARTICLES (for last decade, over 80 total)
“Religion and Violence in Christian Traditions,” Chapter 5 in Violence and the World’s Religious Traditions, eds. Mark Juergensmeyer, Margo Kitts, Michael Jerryson (New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017): 109-139.
“Christian Perspectives on Assisted Dying: An Issue for Religious Ethics,” chapter 6 in Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Global Views on Choosing to End Life, editor Michael Cholbi (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2017): 121-44.
“The War on Drugs as Harm to Persons: Cultural Violence as Symbol and Justification,” (IN PRESS for Brill volume on Cultural Violence and Peace, editor Fuat Gursolzlu)
“Overvaluation: An Obstacle to Dialogue,” paper for International Society for Universal Dialogue, accepted for publication, forthcoming 2017
"Core Values in Bioethics: A Natural Law Perspective" ("Valeurs fondamentales en bioethique: sopus l'angle de la loi naturelle"). Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 2 (April-June 2016): 170-80, DOI INformation: 10.1016.j.jemep.2016.03.009.9
“The Ethics of POLST,” in Care, Loss and the End of Life, eds. Nate Hinerman and Mary Ruth Sanders (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2016): 93-106.
"Rational Religous Suicide," in Blunt Traumas: Negotiating Suffering and Death, Nate Hinerman and Holly Lynn Baumgartner, eds. (Oxford: INter-Disciplinary Press, 2016): 133-42.
“On Futility and a Supposed Right to Kill from Benevolent Motives: Compassion and Justice at the End of Life,” in Madeline Gorman and Carol McAllum, eds., Mapping the Perimeter of Death and Dying (Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press, 2015): 119-26.
“On War and the Environment: A Proposed Revision in the Ethics of Restraint,” in Andrew Fiala, ed., The Nature of Peace and the Peace of Nature (Leiden: Brill, 2015): 41-51.
“A Theory of Just Execution,” in Barbara MacKinnon and Andrew Fiala, eds., Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, 8th edition, (Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2014), 390-97.
“Religion and Violence in Christianity,” Chapter 5, Oxford Handbook on Religion and Violence, ed. Mark Juergensmeyer, Michael Jerryson, and Margo Kitts. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013): 169-206.
“Moral Death,” in New Perspectives on the End of Life: Essays on Care and the Intimacy of Dying, Lloyd Steffen and Nate Hinerman, eds. (Oxford: InterDisciplinary Press, 2013), 131-143.
“On Kevorkian, Vivisection and Beneficent Execution,” in Death, Dying, Culture: An Interdisciplinary Interrogation. Edited and introduction by Lloyd Steffen and Nate Hinerman. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013: 107-16.
“Choosing Death for Another: Baby K and the Problem of Medical Futility,” Katarzyna Malecka & Rossanna Gibbs, (Eds.), Making Sense of Dying and Death. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press (forthcoming).
“The Divine Foetus: Abortion and Absolute Innocence,” in Pondering Death: Interdisciplinary Reflections and Perspectives, ed. Asa Kasher (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012): in press, forthcoming.
“The Ethics of Physician Assisted Suicide,” in Pondering Death: Interdisciplinary Reflections and Perspectives, ed. Asa Kasher (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012): in press, forthcoming.
“Stop the Killing: The Protections of ‘Just War’ on Non-Combatants,” in Unequal before Death, ed. Christina Staudt and Marcelline Block (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012): 204-12.
“The Ethical Complexity of Abraham Lincoln: Is There Something for Religious Ethicists to Learn?”, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, Vol. 31, no. 2 (2011): 74-99.
“Human Rights: Virtue’s Last Resort?”, Global Virtue Ethics Review Vol. 6, no. 3 (2011): 83-116.
“Commentary” for Wiley-Blackwell Exchange on-line Conference, ‘The Changing Face of War,’ 14‐20 November 2011, <http://wileyblackwellexchanges.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/fiala_comment... steffen.pdf>
“Moral Death: Preliminary Considerations,” in Exploring Issues of Care, Dying and the End of Life, eds. Sue Steele & Glenys Caswell, Probing the Boundaries Series, Vol. 152 (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011): 3-10.
“Warfare Deaths: Ethical and Religious Understanding in the American Context,” Religion, Death and Dying [Three Volumes], Volume 2: Special Issues, ed. Lucy Bregman, (Santa Barbara, CA, Oxford, UK: Praeger, 2009): 183-208.
“The Ethics of Patient Non-Treatment,” Re-Imaging Death and Dying: Global Interdisciplinary Perspectives, eds., Dennis R. Cooley and Lloyd Steffen (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2009): 211-224.
“Nonviolence as Ethical Spirituality: The Case of the Dalai Lama,” Prajñā Vihāra: Journal of Philosophy and Religion, Vol. 10, no. 1 & 2 (January-December, 2009): 112-135.
“Gandhi’s Nonviolent Resistance: A Justified Use of Force?” Journal of Philosophy and the Contemporary World 15: 1 (June 2008): 68-80.
“Demonic Religion and Violence,” in ed. Arvind Sharma, The World’s Religions after September 11, Vol. I: Religion, War and Peace [Four Volumes], New York: Praeger, 2008: 19-29.
“Physician Assisted Suicide: A New Approach,” in T. Chandler Haliburton and Caroline Edwards, eds., Mortality, Dying and Death (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2008): 183-205.
“The Presumption of Peace: Where Just War and Non-Violent Resistance Meet (and Diverge),” Jason Daverth, ed., Conflict and Conciliation: Faith and Politics in an Age of Global Dissonance (Dublin, Ireland: Columba Press, 2007): 20-38.
“What Religion Contributes to an Environmental Ethic,” Environmental Ethics, Vol. 29 (Summer 2007): 193-108.
“The Death of Innocents: Noncombatant Immunity v. The Divine Fetus,” in Layers of Dying and Death, ed. Kate Woodthorpe (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2007): 97-106.
“The Courage of Faith,” Lehigh Alumni Bulletin Vol. 92, no. 2 (Winter 2006): 22-23.
“Vital Question: ‘Should Saddam Hussein be Executed?’—Refuse to Kill,” Vital Theology, Vol. 3, no. 7 (December 06): 8.
Book Reviews (recent):
Review: Jonathan Jong and Jamin Halberstadt, Death, Anxiety, and Religious Belief: An Existential Psychology of Religion, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. (Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation); CHOICE, Vol. 54, no. 7 (March 2017).
Review: Bradley L. Herling, A Beginners’s Guide to the Study of Religion, Second Edition, CHOICE, June 2016, vol. 53 no. 10: 4338, DOI: 10.5860/CHOICE.196455.
Review: Religion and Politics: European and Global Perspectives (Annual of European and Global Studies). Edited by Johann P. Arnason and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski. Political Theology, Vol. 17, no.6 (2016), 595-97, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1462317X.2016.1226038.
Review: Stephen Strehle, The Dark Side of Church/State Separation: The French Revolution, Nazi Germany and International Communism. Political Theology, 17 (2), 2016; electronic: 1, 3 (April 2016), DOI: 10.1080/1462317X.2016.1161315.
online publication: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1462317X.2016.1161315; http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1462317X.2016.1161315
Review: Hather H. Vacek, Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness, CHOICE, Vol 53, no. 5 (January 2016): 2183.
Review: Amy Levad, Redeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration , forthcoming, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics.
Review: Charles C. Carmosy, Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation, Choice, Vol. 53, no.1: (September 2015):
Review: Darrell Cole, Just War and the Ethics of Espionage, Choice, Vol. 52, 9 (May 2015): 1512.
Review: Eric A. Seibert, The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament’s Troubling Legacy, Political Theology, Vol. 15, no. 5 (September 2014): 474-76.
Review: Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans, and Adam Henschke, eds., Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the Twenty-First Century (New York: Routledge, 2013), CHOICE, Vol. 51, no. 6 (February, 2014): 3176. doi:105860/Choice.51-3176.
Review: David K. Chan, Beyond Just War: A Virtue Ethics Approach,” CHOICE Vol. 50, no. 11(July 2013), 2026-27.
Review: Thomas Banchoff and Robert Wuthnow, Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Political Theology: An International Journal, Vol. 13, no. 6 (December 2012): 665-67. (DOI: 10.1558/poth.v13i6.795; actual publication date February 21, 2013)
Review: Sohail H. Hashmi, Just Wars, Holy Wars, and Jihads: Christian, Jewish and Muslim Encounters and Exchanges, CHOICE Vol. 50, no 5 (January, 2013): 893-94.
Review: Stephen D. Schwartz with Kiki Latimer, Understanding Abortion: From Mixed Feelings to Rational Thought, CHOICE 49, no. 12 (August, 2012): 2295-2296.
Review: Nathan Eckstrand and Christopher Yates, Philosophy and the Return of Violence: Studies from this Widening Gyre, CHOICE, Vol. l49, no. 1 (September 2011): 126.
Review: Andrew L. Gluck, ed., Religion, Fundamentalism and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, CHOICE, Vol 48, no. 7 (March 2011): p. 1307.
Review: Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna R. Adler, Why We Kill: Understanding Violence Across Cultures and Disciplines, CHOICE Vol. 47, no. 11(July 2010): 2152.
Review: Miguel A. De La Torres, Liberating Jonah: Forming an Ethic of Reconciliation, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, vol. 30, no. 1(Spring/Summer 2010): 219-21.
Review: John J. DaPoint, Hope in an Age of Terror, CHOICE, Vol. 47, no. 8(April 2010 ): 1492.
Review: Thomas Brudholm and Thomas Cushman, eds., The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, CHOICE, Vol. 46, no. 12 (August, 2009): 2320.
Review: Roger S. Gottlieb, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology,” Environmental Ethics, Vol. 30 (Winter, 2008): 439-42.
Review: Charlene P. E. Burns, More Moral than God: Taking Responsibility for Religious Violence, CHOICE, Vol. 46, no. 10 (June 2009): 1949.
Review: Ronald Cole-Turner, Design and Destiny: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Human Germline Modification,” (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008); CHOICE, Vol. 45, no. 12 (August, 2008): p. 2190
Review: Bruce B. Lawrence and Aisha Karim, eds., On Violence: A Reader (Durham: Duke University Press, 2007), CHOICE (Vol. 45, no. 10, June 2008): P. 1781.
Review: David L. Clough & Brian Stiltner, Faith and Force: A Christian Debate About War (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2007), CHOICE (Vol. 45, no. 06, February 2008): p. 994.
Review: Judith W. Kay: Murdering Myths: The Story Behind the Death Penalty, Religious Studies Review, Vol. 33, no. 3 (July 2007): 227.
SELECTED PUBLIC WRITINGS, since 2008 (not directed solely to professional or academic audiences) Some recent writings below also published at: http://www.lehigh.edu/~incha/sermfest2.htm. 160 such pieces published)
“A Suggestion for Donald Trump: A President to Emulate,” The Huffington Post, Saturday, November 26, 2016.
“Anxiety and Its Spiritual Possibilities,” Faith and Values Colum, The Morning Call, Sunday, November 13, 2016, GO 13.
“Faith and Values: Anxiety and Its Spiritual Possibilities,” The Morning Call, Sunday, November 13, 2016: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-faith-steffan-1113-20161112-st...
“Anxiety and Its Possibilities,” The Huffington Post, November 12, 2016,
“On Gifts and the Instances of Grace,” Faith and Values Column, The Morning Call, July 16, 2016, LIFE 7.
“Faith and Values: On Gifts and the Unexpected,” The Morning Call, July 15, 2016, http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-faith-steffen-0716-20160715-st...
“A Plea for Political Eloquence: A Reminder from Religion,” Huffington Post, Monday, March 21, 2016
“Words Can Tear Down and Destroy,” Faith and Values Column, The Morning Call, March 18, 2016, NEWS .
“Lehigh Valley Religious Leaders Offer Support for Muslims,” The Morning Call, January 28, 2016, NEWS 15.
20160128-story.html. (author and signer of the statement)
“Religious Leaders in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley Offer Support for Muslims,” Huffington Post, February 1,
2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lloyd-steffen/religious-leaders-in-lehigh-...
“Religion and Climate Change,” Huffington Post, January 13, 2016,
“The Environment as a Concern of Faith,” Faith and Values Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, November 23,
2015: Life 7.
“Maintaining Values as Religion Changes, “Faith and Values Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, July 25, 2015: Life 6.
“Dialogue and Living Well Religiously,” Faith and Values Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, March 28, 2015: Life 8.
Republished as “Faith and Values: The Importance of Talking about Religious Differences,” http://www.mcall.com/features/family/mc-faith-steffen-inter-religious-dialogues-20150327-story.html
“Thankful for Gifts and Conversations Partners,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column: December 6, 2014: Life 7.
Interview: “Two Perspectives on Life-and-Death Decisions,” at http://www1.lehigh.edu/news/two-perspectives-life-and-death-decisions (November 6, 2014); http://article.wn.com/view/2014/11/06/Two_perspectives_on_lifeanddeath_decisions_Lehigh_University/http://disabled585.rssing.com/chan-37351080/latest.php
“Reflections on Spirituality and True Humility,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column: August 15, 2014: Life 6.
“Spiritual and Religious? The Easter Possibility,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column: April 18, 2014: Life 8.
#LEHIGHMLK: “Lloyd Steffen on the War on Drugs,” web published at: http://www4.lehigh.edu/news/
316c33164e28. January 15, 2014.
--also: http://news.silobreaker.com/lehighmlk-lloyd-steffen-on-the-war-on-drugs-_2267665964042551350
“Auden and the After-Christmas Promise,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column, December 28, 2013: Life 7.
“Connecting Faith, Truth and Happiness,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column, September 14, 2013:
Web published at http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-faith-steffen-faith-happiness-..., 5832564.story
“What Turning Points Mean in Life and Faith,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column, June 1, 2013: Life 7.
Web published May 31 at http://articles.mcall.com/2013-05-31/features/mc-faith-steffen-0601-20130531_1_faith-and-values-god-moment
“On Teachers, Questions and a Critical Spirituality,” Morning Call, Faith and Values Column, February 16, 2013: Life 7.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/ religion/mc-faith-steffen- question-religion- 20130215,0,2084538.story.
“A Key to Happiness: You Can’t Be Too Kind,” “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Saturday, November 4, 2012: LIFE 7.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-faith-steffan-1110-0121109,0,5122063.story
“Better Leadership is Shaped by Spirituality,” “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Saturday, August 4, 28, 2012: LIFE 7.
Web published at: “On Leadership and Spirituality,” http://articles.mcall.com/2012-08-03/entertainment/mc-faith-0804-20120803_1_leadership-charismatic -leaders-spiritual-concerns
“Religious Experience and Ordinary Believers,” “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Saturday, April 28, 2012: LIFE 7.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-features-faithsteffan-20120428,0,2927455.story
reprinted as “Religion for the Rest of Us,” at http://www.realclearreligion.org/2012/04/28/religion_for_the_rest_of_us_247537.html
“What is it that Makes Religion Good?”, “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Saturday, January 21, 2012: LIFE 7.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-features-faithsteffen-20120121,0,4762457.story
“Global Values, Global Religion and Dialogue,” “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Saturday,October 22, 2011: LIFE 7.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-features-faithsteffan-20111022,0,1682261.story
“Fly Speck Thinking and Faith,” “Faith and Values” column, The Morning Call, Friday, July 22, 2011: LIFE 8.
Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-features-faithsteffan-20110722,0,2796379.story.
“Welcoming Surprise in the Spiritual Life,” “Faith and Values” column, Morning Call, Saturday, April 23, 2011: p. GO 4. Web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/mc-features-faithsteffen-
“On the Record: Steffen on Roe v. Wade,” interview/op-ed, published on main Lehigh University web page, January 24, 2011 at:
“Obesity as a Spiritual Disorder,” “Faith and Values” Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, January 22, 2011: p. GO 4. Web published at:
“On Tea Parties, Covenants and Public Happiness,” “Faith and Values” Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, November 12, 2010: p. D. 4. Web published at:
“The Oil Spill: A Spiritual Response,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values” Column, Saturday, June 26, 2010: p. D. 4. Web published at
http://www.mcall.com/entertainment/mc-features-faithsteffen- 20100625,0,4518702.story.
“Purity, Religion—and the Film Avatar,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values” Column, Saturday, March 13, 2010: p. GO 4.
Web published at http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/all-faith-steffen.7204088mar13,0,7347063.story
Reprinted many places, including India Times http://oneclick.indiatimes.com/article/01PwaykdMK1r0
“Lincoln’s Faith: A Model for Today?” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values” Column, Saturday, November 20, 2009: p. GO 9.
web published at: http://articles.mcall.com/2009-11-21/features/4480025_1_abrahalincoln-s-birth-anniversary-of-abraham-lincoln-slavery
“Why Spiritual Life is Not a Competition,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values” Column, Saturday, August 8, 2009: p. GO 7.
web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/all-faithsteffen.6977951aug08,0,6393957.story
“Reflecting on Justice and Forgiveness,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values Column,” Saturday, April 11, 2009: p. D7, D9.
web published at: http://articles.mcall.com/2009-04-11/features/4350927_1_forgiveness-resurrection-jesus
“Tough Questions at Christmas,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values Column,” Saturday, December 20, 2008: p. D6, D7.
web published at: http://www.mcall.com/features/religion/all-faithsteffen.6709960dec20,0,5349952.story
“Living the Questions," "Faith and Values" Column, The Morning Call, Saturday, September 13, 2008: D7.
“Dalai Lama tells us to ‘Reprioritize, Revalue,” The Morning Call, Wednesday, July 9, 2008: A 13. (web published several places internationally, (e.g. http://www.tibet.ca/en/newsroom/wtn/3097,
“The Prophetic Voice and the Problem of Cultural Difference,” The Morning Call, Saturday, May 10, 2008: D7, D9.
“The Spiritual Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.,” The Morning Call, “Faith and Values Column,” Saturday, January 19, 2008: D7, D9.
Reprinted various places on web, e.g.,: http://blackpoliticsontheweb.com/?p=459.
“Racism is Really an Act of Violence,” Brown and White, Friday, November 14, 2008: 11.
“Time Out to Reexamine Executions,” Express-Times, Thursday, October 18, 2007: A6.
“Mother Teresa’s Saintly Struggles,” The Morning Call, Saturday, September 15, 2007: D7, D9.
“Rethinking Suffering,” The Morning Call, Saturday, May 19, 2007: D9, 11.
“What Makes A Prophet?” Faith and Values Column ( “People with good will. . . .”), The Morning Call, Saturday, February 17, 2007: D9, D11.