Friday, November 30, 2007 - 4:45pm
Zoellner Arts Center, Rm. 145
Susan Werner is one of the smartest, most entertaining singer-songwriters working right now. Her most recent project, “The Gospel Truth,” explores the role of the Church in America today. These “hymns for the spiritually ambivalent” challenge and affirm at the same time. They capture a variety of voices, from faithful and traditional to the critical and even the unconvinced. No single musical category or genre can capture Werner’s music, which is always diverse, fresh and compelling. Werner will present “The Gospel Truth,” through a performance, discussion and Q&A. The event is free and open to members of the Lehigh University community. Find out more about Werner and her music at Only 100 seats available!
“Always an impressive songwriter, Werner continues to compose sharp, funny, compassionate lyrics, a gift rare enough to set her apart.” (The Washington Post)
“…a triply blessed artist who sings adroitly, plays the piano smartly and, best of all, writes songs of genuine distinction and high craft…one of the most innovative songwriters working today.” (Chicago Tribune)

Presented by The department of Religion Studies Co-sponsored by the Department of Music, ArtsLehigh, the Chaplain’s Office, and the Humanities Center. For more information call 610-758-3353.