Tibet Revisited, 20 Years:

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The Photography of an Expedition to Tibet
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 4:15pm
Linderman Library - Room 200
A public lecture and photographic presentation by
Elaine Ling
Internationally celebrated photographer and
Lehigh University Artist-in -Residence
I first met the Tibetans 20 years ago when I worked at the Patan Hospital in Katmandu. I was in charge of the women’s clinic and met many Tibetan patients.
My work led me to the refugee camps where families told me their stories and showed me their treasures.
 I followed my fascination of these nomadic people and visited Tibet. In 2007, 20 years later, I returned to find that Tibetan Buddhism is alive and well and that the old and the young are still pilgrims.
All are Welcome!
This presentation in the Spring series of University events on the Lehigh campus anticipates the visit to Lehigh in July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh homepage.