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"The Right to Life?  A Right to Die? ....Nonsense!"  A talk and discussion with Professor Dennis Cooley.  September 24, 2014

The Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue, a new book by Lloyd Steffen and Dennis R. Cooley, explores the moral issues that arise when humans deal with death. It includes chapters on abortion, the death penalty, war, suicide, physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Steffen is professor of religion studies, university chaplain and director of the Center for Dialogue, Ethics and Spirituality and the Prison Project at Lehigh.
Cooley is professor of philosophy and ethics and associate director of the Northern Plains Ethics Institute at North Dakota State University. Steffen and Cooley held a panel discussion about their book at Lehigh on Sept. 24.
At the end of each chapter in their book, Steffen and Cooley ask each other questions. Steffen comes from a natural law ethical perspective, which, he says, “becomes sort of a basin that catches the best parts of all the other ethical theories without necessarily taking the worst parts.” Cooley prefers a Pragmatic Principle, which he describes as part utilitarianism and part Kantianism. During his visit to Lehigh, Cooley joined Steffen for an interview with Rosa Rojas, which follows.

Is it better for controversial matters involving death to be decided by the Supreme Court (such as abortion) or by the states (such as assisted suicide and the death penalty)? Steffen: Part of what you’re asking is about the general relationship of law to morality, and law has a role to play. In controversial issues where consensus about moral meaning is lacking we sometimes have to turn to those institutions that make decisions on policy so that we can conduct the normal business of society. On life and death issues we have to set and abide by moral standards that we then translate as best we can into social policy—law—to determine what’s permissible and not permissible.
Cooley: It depends on what the issue actually is. I don’t want to treat death as a monolithic sort of thing; it needs to be broken down into its component parts. Sometimes smaller groups do a better job making decisions because they understand the people the decisions will apply to better. So states, in certain cases. But sometimes you do need to have a national decision on these issues just so that people can do their planning and understand what’s going on. I do want to make a distinction between law and morality. Morality applies to all of our actions, all the time. What law needs to do is to be able to give you rules so that society can run. We’re interested in morality, which includes personal morality. An individual has a certain morality, certain realities about their situation: it’s their parents dying, their child dying or they’re dying. Those are unique circumstances and those decisions should rest with those individuals. Steffen: Sometimes the issue is what role law should play at all. That’s one of the issues in the abortion debate, which is not only a moral but a legal and medical question as well: is it a legal issue that needs to be straightened out by the courts or is it a medical issue that a woman should be undertaking with her physician? There’s a disagreement about that in our society and when you have a disagreement about that kind of issue, we often turn to the law to manage the conflict and maintain societal peace.

In your chapter on abortion, you say that a potential person (fetus) cannot be as intrinsically valuable as a person (woman).
Cooley: The reason why I say the fetus is a potential person is because being a person requires certain characteristics. One of them is being rational. And rationality is quite an advanced thing for a person to do. It’s being able to make your decisions, being able to look at evidence, change your behavior, change your viewpoint based on the evidence, to make free choices. There’s a lot involved with it and fetuses can’t do that because their brains have not developed, especially if we are talking about a conceptus, an entity that’s basically the head of a pin. If it’s between a person and a fetus, a person is usually more intrinsically valuable just for that ability to reason, but also because they’re part of emotional relationships with other individuals. They are very tied in to the community, in to their families and so on…all of that counts, too. The fetus has the potential for that, but not the actuality.

Would more people think this way if men were the ones getting pregnant?
Cooley: I’ve always had a suspicion that the reason the abortion issue is so controversial and so heated is the fact that it is about women and giving women power. Men don’t really have any authority in being pregnant so you have this threat to power even though there’s really no threat to power involved here at all. The other part is that it’s so bound up in religion, which is part of people’s identity. When you’re questioning a person’s religion, you’re questioning them and their value as a person and that is like being called the worst name on the face of the earth and it hurts, it hurts a lot and there’s a threat so people react often violently.
Steffen: I agree with that perspective and I would just note how patriarchal our religious institutions are. It’s not just Western religions. We see this in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but religions across the board have reflected patriarchal power arrangements that hold decision-making power over women. If you look at the abortion debate in the United States, the most vocal people on that issue seem to be men. I think that’s clearly the case. Abortion is a serious moral issue, but it is also a political issue that is raised in campaigns to gather votes from various voter blocks, some of which are religious blocks, and the difficult moral issues involved in abortion rarely get a hearing when they are reduced to slogans by people running for office.

What are your thoughts on the sex-selective abortions that have helped cause the “Missing Girls Phenomenon” in Asian countries?
Cooley: Sex-selective abortions are a tragedy in a huge way and the reason is because these women are being pressured to have abortions. Sometimes it’s the culture itself that they’ve inculcated so they’re doing it themselves. We have examples in India and China; those are the two most prevalent. By the way, Japan sometimes sex-selects for females to balance things out and because of their culture. In China and India, we have examples where midwives were forced to kill the female infant or to throw the infant down the well. This is after birth so this is not an abortion, this is murder. In China, a huge number of female infants are abandoned because they have had that restrictive one child/one couple rule. In comparison, the sex-selection abortions are not as bad because I think that if you have a baby, that’s intrinsically different from a fetus because one’s a potential and one’s an actuality. What they are doing, a lot of times, is making the best of a bad situation. I don’t like either one. I wish neither one would be done, but my wishing it and saying it shouldn’t happen isn’t a practical sort of thing. It’s happening. This is minimizing damage. The women who are doing this aren’t doing it, a lot of times, out of free will. In fact, I don’t know any time they do it from free will. Their families are forcing them, their spouses or males or the government is forcing them. It’s a very dangerous situation for them so I think just to protect themselves it can be morally permissible. In fact, it might turn into a moral obligation because I’m worried about the woman being destroyed in this. There are instances in which they are killed. That’s how bad of a situation it is. If it’s between female infanticide and female sex-selective abortions, I chose sex-selective abortions.
Steffen: I addressed the justifiability sex selection abortion in a book I wrote on the abortion question some years ago. If you were just to look at the idea of a society engaged in sex-selective abortion, it seems to me that it’s a coercive practice. A woman is not being acknowledged as an autonomous decision-maker. There are pressures being put on her that coerce her into doing something she does not want to do, and I think it’s a kind of abortion that cannot be morally justified. But if we’re talking about a political situation, which is the question you asked, where a woman’s life can be in danger if she doesn’t do this, I’m with Dennis. I think the woman’s life always trumps that of the fetus.

What are your thoughts on the recent botched executions in Oklahoma and Arizona?
Steffen: All I can say about that is that if there were such a thing as a justified execution—I don’t accept that there is even though that is how I approach the issue as an ethicist—one criterion that would have to be met is that persons not be tortured in executing them, at a minimum. Those botched executions are instances of torture. I’m opposed to the death penalty for all sorts of reasons and that one is an emotional strike. The idea that someone is taking 30 minutes to die and they’ve been given some kind of drug so that their reactions can’t be seen by the witnesses—they’re sedated with the cocktail they’re given, which prevents them from being overtly demonstrative about what they’re going through—is a moral horror.
Cooley: One of the main reasons I’m against death penalty is because it damages the morality of those imposing it. These botched executions should have been a wake-up call to that morality when people said, “Oh my gosh, this is terrible.” But what are they doing? They are going to keep doing it and in fact they said, “We’ll bring back the firing squad.” I think Utah is talking about bringing back the firing squad. Why would you do this? After you get your hand burned on a stove, you know not to put your hand on the stove again. We were burned seriously by this. So what’s the motivation to keep doing this? There’s an anger there that is not good for the individuals doing it. There’s hatred there, not a respect for life. I know these people who are being executed are generally not the nicest people in the world, but what does it say about us, the people who are doing it? We are able to form this opinion in anger to kill someone even though we know how horrific it is.

Dennis Cooley asked this question at the end of the chapter on war: Do you think religious beliefs contribute to more war and violence than if people were agnostics or atheists?
Steffen: I think it’s a mistake to think that religion causes violence. Religion is revelation, and people have to interpret revelation, so religion is what people make of it. It’s a cultural force. It’s a cultural institution. You can find people who want to use their religion to provide justification for various kinds of activity, some of them good and some of them not good. There are people who are religious who engage in acts of violence and undertake warfare and acts of terrorism. They can use their religion to help justify what they’re doing, but it doesn’t mean religion itself is the propelling force that’s making that happen. There are usually political causes and power issues at stake when people resort to violence. To be able to say that God is on my side is a very strong philosophical place to stand. It may not be the soundest argument to make, but it is a very strong argument to make because you’re claiming that the power in the universe that has all knowledge and all moral understanding is supporting, endorsing and propelling you forward to act in a certain way. It’s hard to argue against a position grounded in ultimate reality. We need to draw some distinctions between what religion is and what people do with religion. I’ve argued that religion can be about anything. People can justify the most heinous things that human beings have ever done by claiming God told them to do it. Religion has also inspired the noblest things that human beings have ever done. So what is that? It just means that religion can be used by human beings to justify what they are motivated to do for reasons that extend way beyond religion.

If physician-assisted suicide is made legal in the United States, some say the “right to die” may turn into an “obligation to die,” that people may put pressure on aging relatives. What are your thoughts on that?
Cooley: There hasn’t been a dramatic increase in physician-assisted suicide. But there has been a dramatic increase in people talking about the issues and trying to figure out how they want their lives to end. That’s been the real result of it. Margaret Battin thought there would be this pressure you’re talking about and that the society would change in such a way that the culture forces people to commit suicide, but that hasn’t happened.
Steffen: Even in Oregon, when that whole discussion got underway for the Death with Dignity physician-assisted suicide law, what happened as a result of doing the referendum and having the public conversation was that people came forward and said, “You know there are medical alternatives through palliative care.” A lot of people had never heard of hospice or the idea of palliative care and as a result of all of that open discussion about difficult dying palliative care is now something taught in medical schools. It’s integrated into medical training in such a way that it doesn’t just mean end of life anymore. Palliative care can be used for people with chronic illnesses and it has a much broader kind of meaning now. So some wonderful results have come out of having discussions about physician-assisted suicide. The idea that physician assistance in dying is a slippery slope and if we allow it we’re going to be killing the most vulnerable people in our society, people who can’t resist pressure and things like that… just go to the Oregon law, there are so many safeguards. I counted them up when I was doing research on the issue. There are about 70 different conditions placed in the Oregon law that have to be satisfied before you can get a doctor to prescribe a lethal dose of pills, and when you get them it doesn’t mean you have to take them. Half the people who get them don’t use them, but they’re really glad that they have them because they want to know that if things get really, really bad they’re going to have some ability to control what happens to them. When I hear appeals to a slippery slope argument, I feel like the ability to think has gone out the window. Slippery slope arguments are meant to cut off conversation. I think what’s important is looking at the actual record of what has happened in a state like Oregon, because the data says that’s not what has happened. Abuse of physician assistance has not occurred in the tightly regulated and legally constrained Oregon system, and it is not likely to happen in the future.

Story by Rosa Rojas

New Book Published (March 28, 2007): Lloyd Steffen, Professor of Religion Studies and University Chaplain, has published Holy War, Just War: Exploring the Moral Meaning of Religious Violence with Rowman and Littlefield.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"In this important book, Lloyd Steffen argues persuasively that religion is ultimately about human choices. Whether religion serves or destroys us will be determined by the integrity of our moral vision of goodness and our willingness to allow that vision to challenge religiously inspired violence."—Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, professor of justice and peace studies, University of St. Thomas, author of Is Religion Killing Us? Violence in the Bible and the Quran

"A powerful and moving reminder of religion's power to inspire both good and evil action; to justify or restrain human destructiveness. Steffen argues persuasively that religion itself must be subject to moral scrutiny, and that our deliberations about the goodness or badness of our contemplated actions require moral - not just religious - reasoning. At a time when leaders are increasingly motivated by their interpretations of religions teachings, this book teaches us that every one of us - especially political and religious leaders - has the obligation to ensure that our conceptions of ultimacy not be overtaken by absolutist thought."—Jessica Stern, Harvard University, author of Terror in the Name of God

"Lloyd Steffen offers a much needed corrective vision of religion, and its destructive potential. The Demonic Turn is an important contribution to understanding that the margin between peace and violence in religion is always on the verge of collapsing, and often does so, with tragic consequences for humanity."—Hector Avalos, professor of religious studies, Iowa State University, author of Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence

"Steffen makes a thoughtful argument for a bold, indeed a radical idea. The god that most of us want is a god of absolute power and control who assures a steady course towards goodness no matter how morally chaotic the appearance of things may be. But Steffen argues that the idea of such an absolute god is necessarily linked to religiously legitimated violence. If we want to ameliorate the human condition we need a new understanding of 'the ultimate'. If, as Steffen argues, our understanding of god must be measured by the moral consequences of those ideas here on earth, then traditional theology has a long ways to go before it becomes less dangerous to humans."—John Raines, professor of religion, Temple University

"This is urgently relevant, present-tense theology on the power of religion to inspire either slaughter or peace. Lloyd Steffen candidly subjects religion—and even God—to deft exploratory surgery."—Daniel C. Maguire, Marquette University

"This book persuasively argues that religion is like fire: powerful, dangerous, and in need of control. This thesis is applied to an interesting variety of examples: Japanese kamikaze pilots, the suicides at Jonestown, attacks on abortion doctors, and the terrorism of September 11. Each example of religious fanaticism helps illuminate the difference between life-affirming and demonic religion.

The second half of the book provides a useful critical examination of three rival ideas about the justification of violence: pacifism, holy war/jihad, and the just war tradition. Steffen argues that even pacifists can become 'demonic' when they embrace absolute pacifism in a fanatical fashion. And he concludes that, despite its imperfections, the just war tradition represents the most moderate approach to the justification of violence.

In the end, the book provides a powerful defense of the idea that we should use morality to criticize demonic religion. But this book is not anti-religion. It avoids an outright rejection of religion and admits that religion can be life-affirming. However, it does challenge religious believers to apply moral judgment to the religious traditions that provide meaning to their lives. "—Andrew Fiala, professor of philosophy, California State University, Fresno

In 2006, Steffen's award-winning book on the death penalty was republished by Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Executing Justice:  The Moral Meaning of the Death Penalty
Lloyd H. Steffen

"This compelling book incisively analyzes every philosophical and humanitarian argument about the death penalty. It is a searching study of the ultimate invalidity of all the arguments advanced to justify the ultimate power of the state. The last chapter . . . is a powerful treatment of the reasons why Christianity must logically be opposed to the death penalty. No one is entitled to be heard in the fractious debate about the death penalty until that person has pondered the material discussed in this indispensable book."
-- Robert F. Drinan, SJ,
Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center

"Lloyd Steffen has powerfully explored the moral reasoning of the death penalty. By utilizing the case of Willie Darden, he brings an abstract argument home on a personal level. Finally he poses what this means for those of us who are Christians. What will be your answer? This book provides an excellent consideration of all the available options."
-- Rev. Joseph B. Ingle,
Nobel Peace Prize nominee for his
ministry to persons on death row

"We have, by now, a shelf of books that offer empirical, constitutional, or political discussions of the death penalty. What we don't have is a comprehensive, accessible, and persuasive evaluation of the death penalty in our society from the moral point of view. Thanks to Lloyd Steffen's new book, that need has been met. He enables us to see in patient detail just how difficult -- if he is right, how impossible -- it is to defend the death penalty on moral grounds. May his argument reach and persuade many!"
-- Hugo Adam Bedau,
editor of The Death Penalty in
America: Current Controversies

"There is no moral, legal, or ethical justification for the death penalty, and Executing Justice makes this abundantly clear. Steffen makes a compelling case that America can lift itself into the league of nations that long ago abandoned this barbaric practice."
-- Morris Dees,
cofounder and chief trial counsel of the
Southern Poverty Law Center

Lloyd Steffen is University Chaplain, Professor and Chair of the Religion Studies Department at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He is the author of Life/Choice: The Theory of Just Abortion (1994) and The Demonic Turn: The Power of Religion to Inspire or Restrain Violence(2003).

ISBN: 1-59752-597-9 / 194pg. / $17.60

Chaplain's Activity: ACURA Meeting

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD 

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Board of Directors Meeting,

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Washington Plaza Hotel, Washington D.C. (Steffen Vice-Chair of Board)

Chaplain's Activity: First Annual Gandhian Nonviolence Conference

Monday, November 8, 2004

Memphis Tennessee, topic:  "Teaching to Practice Gandhian Nonviolence:  Perspectives from Academics and Activists:   Steffen to deliver paper.

Chaplain's Activity: Religion and Cash Performance

Monday, November 1, 2004

Banana Factory, Bethlehem

Chaplain's Activity: DPI/NGO Conference

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

United Nations, New York:  Steffen representing RCRC

Chaplain's Activity: Commencement

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Commencement Speaker:  Kurt Vonnegut 

Chaplain's Activity: Baccalaureate

Monday, May 31, 2004

Baccalaureate Speaker:  Mark Juergensmeyer 

Chaplain's Activity: South African Religious Summit

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Lloyd Steffen will serve as a Ford Foundation Consultant to the South African Religious Summit to be held at Cape Town, South Africa 

Chaplain's Activity: The Passion of Christ

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Lloyd Steffen will serve as a panelist at the Hillel Center for a discussion of Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ. 

Chaplain's Activity: Abortion and Religious Thought

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Lloyd Steffen will offer a presentation to the Allentown Planned Parenthood Clergy Advisory Group. 


Chaplain's Activity: The DaVinci Code

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Lloyd Steffen will serve as a panelist at the Kenner Theatere, Ulrich Student Center for a discussion of  "The DaVinci Code" sponsored by the Newman Center. 

Chaplain's Activity: Unborn Victim of Violence Act

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Lloyd Steffen joined Rev. Robert Tiller, Legislative Coordinator of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, on Capitol Hill to express concern and opposition to the proposed "Unborn Victim of Violence Act," the aim of which is to redefine fetal life in terms of personhood, which is a right-bearing category with enormous legal and moral implications. Passage of this act, which does not once metion woemen, would severely curtail the ability of women to exercise reproductive choice in the United States.   Steffen joined Tiller and others to meet with aides in the offices of Senator Blanche Lincoln, (D-AK) and Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA).

Chaplain's Activity: Lloyd Steffen with Dennis Kucinich

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

In March, Lloyd Steffen was invited to brief the domestic issues staffer of presidential candidate, Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) on the abortion issue.  Steffen is pictured with Kucinich above: 

Chaplain's Activity: Steffen Book out

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
320 PP — 6” x 9” 
ISBN 0-8298-1563-5 
$20.00 USA/$32.00 CAN 
World Rights
Abortion: A Reader 
Pilgrim Library of Ethics 
ISBN 0-8298-1117-6 
$25.00 USA/$40.00 CAN 
Executing Justice 
The Moral Meaning of 
the Death Penalty 
ISBN 0-8298-1219-9 
$18.00 USA/$29.00 CAN 
Lloyd Steffen 
Religion is powerful and religion can be dangerous. It can serve different masters. 
Lloyd Steffen follows that insight as he explores the demonic dynamic in the monotheistic traditions of the West: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. 
The events of September 11 provoked serious moral questions about religion.. and in these pages Iwill argue that people are religious the way they are because of the choices they make about how to be religious.. .people are religious in particular ways, and how they construct and practice religion rests, finally, on afundamental moral turn to be religious either in a l way or demonically.” 
—from the Introduction
Exploring the differences between concepts of God related to ultimacy and absolutism, Steffen names absolutism as the source of destructive, life-defying religion. “Absolutism,” he says, “is the central reason and the main cause for religion becoming dangerous and turning demonic.” 
Part I explores the power and danger of religion and the two options for being religious: the life-affirming option with its vision of goodness and the demonic option with its destructiveness in the context of ultimacy, its negation of freedom and its self-deception and denial of goodness. 
Part II explores religion and the restraint of violence as it looks at: the pacifist option, the case of holy war, and the case of just war. 
LLOYD STEFFEN is professor and chair of the religion studies department as well as university chaplain at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He is editor of Abortion: A Reader (Pilgrim Library of Ethics) (The Pilgrim Press, 1996) and ExecutingJustice: The Moral Meaning of the Death Penalty (The Pilgrim Press, 1998), which received the first “Church and Society Award” from The Pilgrim Press in 2001. He lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Chaplain's Activity: United Nations Event

Monday, September 8, 2003
Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain and Professor of Religion Studies, recently moderated a workshop in the official program of the 56th Annual DPI/NGO Conference of the United Nations, which was organized around the theme "Human Security and Dignity:  Fulfilling the Promise of the United Nations."  The workshop session, entitled "Faith-Based Education Programmes to Prevent HIV/AIDS," was organized by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and dealt with  the positive role religious communities can play in AIDS education and prevention. The session focused on one initiative in South Africa, a program called "Keeping it Real!", which has proven successful in its pilot phase and may prove to be a model for other education efforts in sub-Saharan Africa, where 29 million of the world's 42 million HIV/AIDS infected persons live.  The session will be available in October as an audio file through the United Nations "DPI/NGO" web site.

Chaplain's Activity: Religion and the Restraint of Violence (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Rise and Shine Breakfast, Lehigh University

Chaplain's Activity: Lloyd Steffen Speaking

Monday, December 9, 2002

Vespers Service, Packer Memorial Church, Lehigh University 

Chaplain's Activity: Speak Out! (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Saturday, December 7, 2002

Response to Westboro Baptist Church protest of Lehigh, Packer Memorial Church

Lehigh University Vespers, (December 8, 2002)

Chaplain's Activity: The Moral Meaning of Demonic Religion (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Thursday, December 5, 2002

Talk on current writing and research, Humanities Center

Chaplain's Activity: The Moral Meaning of Demonic Religion (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Thursday, December 5, 2002

Talk on current writing and research, Humanities Center

Chaplain's Activity: Title TBA (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Monday, December 2, 2002

Setauket United Church of Christ, Long Island:  Program on the Death Penalty 

Chaplain's Activity: On Holy and Unholy Wars (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Friday, November 22, 2002
On Monday evening, October 22, Dr. Lloyd Steffen, chairperson of the Religious Studies Department of Lehigh University will give a public lecture entitled, "On Holy and Unholy Wars: Religious Resources for the Justifiable Use of Force and Restraint of Violence."  In this presentation, he will speak about some of the religious resources  available that are meant to restrain violence and the use of force.  He will focus on such notions as Jihad, holy war, non-violent resistance, and non-resistance, This will lead to a discussion of just war theory, not only as it applies to the use of force in military engagements, but as a model for evaluating the morality of other uses of force, such as the state execution power.  Dr. Steffen will close by applying the model he has formulated to the current hunt for Bin Laden and other terrorists.
This lecture will take place in Sprawls Auditorium at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 22.  All are invited to attend. Furthermore, Dr. Steffen will be available to attend one or two classes during Monday.  If anyone is teaching a course in which it would be appropriate to have a discussion of the ethics of capital punishment or other lethal uses of force, please contact Stuart Chandler (assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy of Religion) at 7-5612 or

Chaplain's Activity: Take Back the Night (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

March (opening), Lehigh University

Chaplain's Activity: American Academy of Religion Meeting

Friday, November 15, 2002

Held in Denver, CO

Chaplain's Activity: The United Church of Christ Coalition Against the Death Penalty

Friday, November 15, 2002

Board Meeting, Cleveland, OH (3 days)

Chaplain's Activity: Faith and the Use of Force (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Hope United Church of Christ, Allentown 

Chaplain's Activity: Pilgrim Peace Lecturer (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Monday, November 4, 2002

The Peace Forum, Duluth, Minnesota 

The War in Iraq: The Moral Issues (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

The Humanities Center, Lehigh University

Chaplain's Activity: Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, October 25, 2002

 Held at the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Washington D.C.

Chaplain's Activity: Frederick Wood Lecture

Monday, October 21, 2002

Cornell University (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements) 

Guest Preacher, Sage Chapel, Cornell University, (October 20, 2002)

Chaplain's Activity: Society for Values in Higher Education (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements)

Friday, August 9, 2002
Plenary Address (with Justin Brooks, Director of the California Innocence Project), University of SanDiego. (Lloyd Steffen Speaking Engagements) 

Remarks to Open the "Speak Out for Peace"

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Ulrich Center, Lehigh University Campus: 20 September 2001
Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain, Professor of Religion Studies and Chair, Department of Religion Studies

A group of concerned students, clearly upset yet wanting to respond meaningfully to the events of Tuesday, September 11, have invited us all here today.  We gather under their "Call for Humane Understanding and Action."  I am pleased to be here to support the effort they are making to urge us into reflection on issues of justice, in the effort they will certainly make in the next two hours to help us distinguish between patriotism and nationalism, to expose the distorting effects of religious fundamentalism in whatever faith tradition, and to advocate, as I assume speakers today here will advocate-for reasoned and multi-dimensional political solutions rather than sole reliance on military response.

In opening today's event, I want to express a couple of concerns. Let it not be overlooked that in coming here today, we continue to share with all persons of good will a deep moral outrage over the terrorist attacks that on September 11 killed thousands of innocent persons.  These acts cannot be morally justified, and we are aware today that all persons of good will-not just Americans but all persons of good will-share membership in a common moral community.  That community transcends national boundaries and binds us together, across difference in language, culture, national and religious identity, with a common moral vision of respect for persons and affirmation of the goodness of life and the need to live together in peace.  There is a deep unity among us-all of us are concerned for the victims of violence and hatred, all of us are concerned for the security of our nation and our loved ones; all of are joined by a passion for justice and, I hope, a quest for understanding.  And all of us extend condolences and sympathy to the families and loved ones of victims, some of whom are right here in the Lehigh community.

So we mourn the dead.  We offer our sympathy and comfort to the loved one's of victims.  We also reach out in love and friendship to our Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as people of all faith traditions, since it is only through interfaith understanding and solidarity that true peace can be established.  This past week we have been aware of all that unites us.

But we are united in freedom and under a cherished form of government that protect questioning, disagreement and dissent.  Our grief is universal, but how we should act in response to last week's acts of violence is not self-evident.  Whatever is done must be argued for, debated and questioned.  And disagreements may arise.  Those disagreements are not about the moral meaning of what happened but about what to do in response, and rather than springing from un-American impulses, these questions and disagreements go to the heart of our constitutionally protected liberties and all that our flag symbolizes.  This is complimented here at Lehigh in our educational mission, since integral to that mission is the development of critical, analytic abilities, and the fostering of what Martha Nussbaum has called "cosmopolitan citizenship"-to be educated means to be able to step into the world in all of its complexity with some understanding of that world and with critical acumen.

Speakers today are going to recommend to you action.  Here are a few I would recommend.

Learn more about Islam and the Middle East so that you might be an enlightened and compassionate voice in an increasing climate of religious hostility and racial prejudice.  Read a book about Islam.  Take a course.

Consider long and hard what retaliation will mean and whether justice can be served if the effect of proposed actions is to harm even more innocent persons.  President Kennedy once said that we should not seek the victory of might but the vindication of right-might and right may be tied together more tightly in the days ahead than is wise.  Be a good cosmopolitan citizen and urge that innocent persons be shielded from harm even as action to counter terroism is mounted.

Be voice in your community against hate crimes, and join in efforts to show support to Muslims and persons of Arabic background among us.  Make sure Lehigh is a safe haven for all persons and that you-we-show hospitality and appreciation for our international students.

And finally, resist any movement that seeks to use this tragedy as the mechanism to promote racial hatred or to blame or scapegoat any group of people-or that seeks to advance opportunistic political agendas that unnecessarily escalate militarism and violence while ignoring other needs of people in this country and around the world.

Let us express our hope that we shall pursue as a nation and as a moral community that transcends national boundaries both justice and peace in the days ahead.  And let us work together to affirm all that unites us, both in sadness, and in hope for a better, and more just world.

Press Conference, Packer Memorial Church

Friday, September 14, 2001

Statements from Lehigh Valley Religious Leaders Opposing Attitude of Hatred and Acts of Disrespect or Violence Toward Muslims or Persons of Arabic Background

Statement by Rev. Dr. Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain, Lehigh University
The tragic events of September 11 have shocked a nation and visited all persons of good will with a terrible loss.  Expressions of sympathy are pouring forth from every community around our country and from nations around the world to the families and loved ones of the victims of Tuesday's violence.  These events have also inflicted terrible suffering on families in the Lehigh Valley, some of whom live in the bewildering anxiety of not knowing what has happened to family members and loved one's who may have been directly affected by Tuesday's terrorist acts.

 he religious community of the Lehigh Valley, while diverse in belief and practice of faith traditions, has been able to find bonds of unity despite differences among us.  It is our belief that we can speak with one voice in expressing hope that there will be yet more survivors found.  We can speak with one voice in condemning such violence as occurred Tuesday in New York, Washington, D.C., and Somerset County, PA.  We can speak with one voice in urging all people of faith to offer prayer for our nation while offering comfort to the many victims of Tuesday's attack.

It appears from initial investigations that the perpetrators of Tuesday's violence may be from the Middle East.  It also appears that around the nation attitudes of hatred and even acts of violence are beginning to be directed by Americans at other Americans or foreign nationals among us who are Muslims and persons of Arabic background.  This kind of reaction of anger and hostility is unworthy of our American ideals of tolerance and inclusivity; it is a betrayal of a covenant of respect that all persons of good will owe to Muslims and persons of Arabic background who live among other Americans as neighbors, friends, colleagues-as brothers and sisters.

As grief turns to anger in the days ahead, as the body count rises, it is possible that incidents of abuse and disrespect toward Muslims and persons of Arabic background may increase.  Representatives of various faith traditions in the Lehigh Valley have agreed to interrupt schedules and on short notice come together this day to say with one voice that hatred and violence have no place here.  With one voice we condemn any attitude of hatred or act of disrespect or violence that may be directed at our neighbors, colleagues, friends,-brothers and sisters in faith-who may be Muslim or of Arabic background.  Such attitudes, such acts, have no place in the practice of religious faith.

It is said these days that America was attacked this week.  That may be so.  But our neighbors and friends, our colleagues and brothers and sisters in faith from the Islamic community, were not the attackers.  We join together with them, as they join with all other persons of good will, in sorrow and grief for all that has this week been lost.

I would now offer statements from Rabbi Allen Juda, of Bethlehem, a statement of the Easton Area clergy and a statement from the Islamic Society of North America.  (see below)

I would then invite those who have gathered here this day to offer their statements of support for the Muslims and persons of Arabic background among us.

Persons scheduled to appear:

Dr. Muhamad Bugaighis, President of the Muslim Center of the Lehigh Valley
Father Richard Ford, Ecumenical Officer, representing Allentown Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church
Rev. David Wickman, Moravian Church Central Office
Dean William Lane, Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem (Representing the Bishop of the Bethlehem diocese),
Rev. Toby Hollaman, Penn NE United Church of Christ, Associate Conference Minister
Rev. Katherine Ziel, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (Bishop's Office)s
Rev. Edith Roberts, St. Peters Lutheran Church
Rev. Helen Cochorane, Director, Bethlehm Council of Churches
Rev. Robert Wilt, Fritz Memorial Methodist Church (representing Superintendent's Office)
Ms. Mary Lou Hatcher, Clerk, Friends Meeting, Bethlehem
Father Wayne Killian, Director, Newman Center Lehigh University
Rev. Chris Giesler, Chaplain, Moravian College

Statement by Rabbi Allen Juda, Congregation Brith Sholom, Bethlehem
In traditional Jewish literature, the Rabbis asked: "Why, when the world was created, did God create just one man, Adam, and one woman, Eve?  The Rabbis then answered: "so that all humankind would come from a single union, to teach us that we are all brothers and sisters."  Especially during these traumatic times, we should all remember this lesson - ultimately, we are all brothers and sisters.
 The Jewish community of the Lehigh Valley condemns any discriminatory behavior and, particularly at this time, any prejudice demonstrated against Moslems or Arabs.  The cowardly terrorists who have attacked us this week have already claimed too many innocent victims.  We should not add to their bigotry and violence by engaging in any more.  The terrorists murdered as a result of baseless hatred.  Baseless hatred is always destructive and has no place on a college campus or anywhere else in a civilized society

Greater Easton Clergy Association and sent to the Morning Call and Express-Times
To the Editor:
We mourn the loss of innocent people and stand with their families and loved ones in their grief and with all who have suffered as a result of the attack on our nation Sept. 11.
The most important institution in this country can never be destroyed. It is Democracy itself, with its commitment to the sanctity of all human life. The tragic events of Sept. 11 have precipitated in some, however, a response of ultra-nationalism and xenophobia that violates
the principles upon which our nation was founded. We reject all efforts to use this attack on our national institutions as a justification so smear any people or nation with hateful labels. We are all capable of nurturing hatred and we all work hard to control our baser passions.
Those responsible for the terrible events of last Tuesday deserve to be brought to justice. But, while we applaud all efforts to punish the guilty, we also call upon our nation to help in every way it can to ameliorate conditions of poverty and despair, at home and abroad, that
can make terrorism an attractive alternative.
Our greatest security can only be in a world where all people have avenues to achieve human dignity.
The Greater Easton Clergy Association

Islamic Society of North America

(Plainfield, IN 9/11/2001)  "The Islamic Society of North America
(ISNA), along with other Muslim organizations throughout North
America, today condemned the apparent terrorist attacks in New York
and Washington and offered condolences to the families of those who
were killed or injured."

"American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and
cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.  We join
with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and
punishment of the perpetrators.  No political cause could ever be
assisted by such immoral acts."
>American Muslim Alliance
>American Muslim Council
>Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers
>Association of Muslim Social Scientists
>Council on American-Islamic Relations
>Islamic Medical Association of North America
>Islamic Circle of North America
>Islamic Society of North America
>Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed
>Muslim American Society
>Muslim Public Affairs Council

Steffen appointed to board to deliver lectures

Thursday, March 29, 2001

Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain, Professor of Religion Studies and Chair of the Department of Religion Studies, was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Washington, D. C.  Steffen has also been invited to speak at an upcoming conference on "The Morality of the Death Penalty" sponsored by the Catholic University Law School (March 29 and 30).  His talk is entitled "From Natural Law to American Law:  The Theory of Just Execution."   Steffen will also speak on "The Ethical Challenge of Spiritual Diversity" "at an international conference on the Spiritual Marketplace held at the London School of Economics in late April.

Dr. Lloyd Steffen Testimony Before PA Senate Judiciary Committee re: Bill 952

Tuesday, February 22, 2000

My name is Lloyd Steffen.   I am the University Chaplain and a Professor Religion Studies at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA.  I am also the author of a book, Executing Justice: The Moral Meaning of the Death Penalty published last year.

I am an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.  This denomination, like all the other mainline Protestant Churches in America, has gone on record as a Church body to oppose the death penalty and work for its abolition.

Of course not all members of the United Church of Christ support the Church's stance on capital punishment, and there is even support for the death penalty in the PennNortheast Conference of the United Church of Christ of which I am a part. This conference is made up of 170 churches and claims 55,000 members.  The Penn Northeast Conference is one of four UCC Conferences in Pennsylvania and covers the easternmost quarter of the Commonwealth.

Every year, our conference brings clergy and lay representatives from our 170 churches to an annual meeting where we conduct the business of the Church.  Two years ago, a Peace and Justice Task Force in the Conference submitted a resolution calling for a moratorium on executions in Pennsylvania, doing so not to reiterate the stand of our denomination, but to appeal to those members of our Conference who support execution, to respond to the disturbing way execution is practiced in America today.  Disturbing:  because there is overwhelming evidence of wrongful convictions in capital cases; disturbing:  because there is overwhelming evidence of discrimination in the application of the death penalty on racial, gender and class lines; disturbing because the death penalty is sought and pursued overwhelmingly in cases where the defendant cannot afford counsel and must rely on overworked and sometimes inadequate court appointed lawyers;  disturbing because of arbitrariness in our criminal justice system.

In 1998 at our Conference Annual Meeting, we were told that our moratorium resolution was not going to pass.  Rather than withdraw our resolution in the face of certain defeat, we agreed on a compromise.  We agreed to postpone a vote on a death penalty moratorium so that our clergy and laity might consider this issue, study it for a year, have classes and conversations, and do some education as well as prayerful reflection.  This education resolution-which is much akin to what you are considering in Senate Bill 952--passed overwhelmingly and for the simple reason that no one at our annual meeting could in conscience vote against education or for ignorance about the execution system, not if innocent lives were at stake, not if there were issues of injustice and unfairness at stake.   The United Church of Christ has historically been committed to working for justice, and we were presenting a claim that injustice had infected  America's application of the death penalty.

After our year of study, the PennNortheast Conference gathered last April in its Annual Meeting and once again considered the moratorium resolution.  The death penalty was a part of our common program. It was the focus of several hours of small group discussion involving the over 500 people in attendance; and our task was to subject the death penalty and what we had learned about it to a process of spiritual discernment.   The resolution was then debated in our business meeting; and it was overwhelmingly passed.  Yes, there was still some opposition, but the time of study we had taken, the reflection we gave to this issue, yielded this result: a vote for the moratorium was not a vote on theory, but on practice.  Even death penalty supporters had become convinced that the execution practice was flawed.  And our moratorium measure was ultimately addressed to them-to death penalty supporters.  Supporters of the death penalty are the ones who bear the moral weight of capital punishment, for they are the ones who must be concerned that mistakes are not made and that no execution falls short of the requirements of justice.  Death penalty opponents ordinarily rest their opposition elsewhere than in concern over questions about the delivery systems of justice and legal tests of fairness.  But not the supporter.  Unfairness in the administration of the death penalty will render an execution unjust-and an unjust killing cannot be justified.  So death penalty supporters, those who believe executions are justified killings, must insist that execution carry no taint of injustice and unfairness.  You cannot support the death penalty and ignore issues of justice.  And morally you ought not to turn away from those who are close up to the criminal justice system and who are telling you that there are problems, there is unfairness, there is injustice.

I am speaking to you today on behalf of the PennNortheast Conference of the United Church of Christ and with the authorization of our interim Conference Minister, Rev. Daniel VanderPloeg.  I wish you to have a copy of the resolution we passed in 1999.  The message I bring to you is that a lot of people in the PennNortheast Conference of the United Church of Christ-55,000 of them in 170 churches-may be at odds over the ultimate validity of the death penalty, but not over the question of justice.  Our people studied this issue.  They reflected on the evidence of injustice.  And they voted to endorse a moratorium.  They voted to inform the Governor and Legislature of this Commonwealth of their decision.  And in that vote were death penalty supporters who realized that even if they continued to support capital punishment in theory, they could not condone injustice in its application.  In the United Church of Christ's General Synod this past summer, the entire denomination voted a similar moratorium resolution, and it too was addressed to death penalty supporters.  My denomination felt a need to vote on the moratorium even in the face of our long-standing opposition to capital punishment.

On behalf of the Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, I urge you to vote for Senate Bill 952.  This is not an up or down on the death penalty-that battle is yet to be fought here.  Bill 952, rather, is a vote to take some time out and think about what we are doing-to acquire some information, to assess it, evaluate it, and test it against the standards of justice embedded in the legal detail of the Bill.  Although some individuals might oppose this bill on the grounds that the facts about how the death penalty is practiced in America today are well known and need no further investigation, please do not assume this to be true.  We have death penalty supporters in my church who voted for a moratorium because they first voted to get information.  They voted to learn and educate themselves not about that never ending and sometimes abstract debate over capital punishment, but about how we actually do it-how do we put a person on death row, and who is it who gets there?; and they found out some things that offended their commitment to justice and their sense of decency.  I am hoping  you might make a similar journey: to vote for learning, for listening, for rendering judgement based on information you may not have at the moment.  I support this measure personally because I believe that if you do study this issue, if you do investigate and discover how the death penalty works, if you shift the focus from theory to practice,  you will one day join those of us who find the death penalty a terrible model that teaches our children that we can solve societal problems by resorting to violence, and an injustice so great as to subvert in practice our democratic ideal of justice under law.

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics

Saturday, January 22, 2000

The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity sponsors an annual essay contest for full-time undergraduate college juniors and seniors.  The compteition encourages students to analyze urgent ethical issues in 3000-4000 word essays.  The essays are due January 22 and several prizes are awarded, including a $5000 first prize.  More information is available in the Chaplain's Office.

Hot War, Cold War: Syria, the Gulf States and Iran

Speaker - Jon Alterman, Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy and Director, Middle East Program Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.
Monday, April 22, 2013 - 5:30pm
Zoellner Arts Center Lower Level Gallery

Alterman has served as a member of the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State and as a special assistant to the assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs. He is a member of the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel and served as an expert adviser to the Iraq Study Group (also known as the Baker-Hamilton Commission).

In addition to his policy work, he teaches Middle Eastern studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and the George Washington University. Before entering government, he was the U.S. Institute of Peace and at the Washington Institute Policy. From 1993 to 1997, Alterman was an award-winning teacher at Harvard University, where he received his Ph.D. in history. He also worked as a legislative aide to Senator Daniel NY), responsible for foreign policy and defense. of four books on the Middle East and

His opinion pieces have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and other major publications. his A.B. from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School

For more information contact the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs, Maginnes Hall.

Sponsor: Visiting Lectures Committee; Co-sponsors: International Relations Global Studies Lehigh Dialogue Center

The Wizard of New Zealand Cometh! Event 2

Spring on 4th Festival, Dedication, and Blessing of the Lehigh-Bethlehem Harmony Pavilion
Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 1:30pm
At the Pavilion Site between Webster and Taylor streets on the Greenway in South Bethlehem

So who is the Wiz of En-Zed? The Wizard of New Zealand (1932-) was born in England and was known as Ian Brackenbury Channell until 1969 at which time he consummated a fundamental transmogrification of his identity as the only officially sanctioned and empowered post-Enlightenment wizard. Founding ALF (Action for Love and Freedom) in the 60s and acquiring advanced degrees in the Sociology of Religion and Art, he eventually made his way to Australia and ultimately came to live in New Zealand in order to carry out psycho-social experiments in relation to his aesthetic cosmology. In 1982 he was declared a “Living Work of Art” and in 1990 the Prime Minister of NZ, Mike Moore (currently the NZ Ambassador to the US), appointed him to the office of Wizard of New Zealand. He specializes in a form of magic which involves altering people’s perceptions of moral and intellectual reality (accompanied by a dollop of levity). For more on the Wizard, see and The Wizard of New Zealand on Wikipedia.

Co-Sponsored by: The Chinese Bridge Project, The Dialogue Center, and the Lehigh Chaplain’s Office

The Wizard of New Zealand Cometh! Event 1

Screening of the Award Winning Film “"The Wizard, Magical Realist"” with an Oration by, and Dialogue with, the Wiz of En-Zed
Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 4:15pm
Lehigh University Maginnes Hall Room 480

So who is the Wiz of En-Zed? The Wizard of New Zealand (1932-) was born in England and was known as Ian Brackenbury Channell until 1969 at which time he consummated a fundamental transmogrification of his identity as the only officially sanctioned and empowered post-Enlightenment wizard. Founding ALF (Action for Love and Freedom) in the 60s and acquiring advanced degrees in the Sociology of Religion and Art, he eventually made his way to Australia and ultimately came to live in New Zealand in order to carry out psycho-social experiments in relation to his aesthetic cosmology. In 1982 he was declared a “Living Work of Art” and in 1990 the Prime Minister of NZ, Mike Moore (currently the NZ Ambassador to the US), appointed him to the office of Wizard of New Zealand. He specializes in a form of magic which involves altering people’s perceptions of moral and intellectual reality (accompanied by a dollop of levity). For more on the Wizard, see and The Wizard of New Zealand on Wikipedia.

Co-Sponsored by: The Chinese Bridge Project, The Dialogue Center, and the Lehigh Chaplain’s Office

Sexuality, Gender and Scripture: "A Woman Having her Flowers"

Menstruation, Impurity and Leviticus 18:19
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 11:30am to 12:30pm
Women's Center, UC 207
Brought to you by: The Office of Multicultural Affairs, The Women's Center, The Chaplain's Office and the Dialogue Center

So What’s Going on in the Catholic Church?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 101

An open discussion with an expert observerof the Roman Catholic ChurchKenneth BriggsFormer Religion Editor, New York Timesauthor ofHoly Siege:  The Year that Shook Catholic AmericaDouble Crossed: Uncovering the Catholic Church's Betrayal of American Nuns

This talk is sponsored by the Dialogue Center, Department of Religion Studies, the Weinstock Center for Journalism, and Global Studies.

Prospects for Peace in the Middle East by Noam Chomsky at Lehigh University

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 - 7:00pm
Packard Auditorium, Lehigh University

Lehigh University welcomes Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor & Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus) at MIT, will deliver a public lecture on Prospects for Peace in the Middle East on Tuesday, February 5 at 7pm in Packard Auditorium, Lehigh University. The February 5 lecture is free and open to the public.  Chomsky will also engage in a campus Q&A session between 1:10pm – 3:00pm in Neville 1, located on the campus of Lehigh University.

Chomsky, born in 1928 in Philadelphia, spent his undergraduate and graduate years at the University of Pennsylvania where he received his PhD in linguistics in 1955. He is a US political theorist and activist, and Institute Professor (Emeritus) of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Besides his path-breaking work in linguistics, Chomsky is internationally recognized as one of the most critically engaged public intellectuals alive today.  Chomsky continues to be an unapologetic critic of both American foreign policy and the neoliberal turn of global capitalism, which he identifies as a form of class warfare waged against the needs and interests of the great majority.

Over the past five decades, Chomsky has offered a searing critical indictment of US foreign policy and its many military interventions across the globe, pointing out that the United States’ continued support for undemocratic regimes and its hostility to popular or democratic movements contradicts its professed claim to be spreading democracy and freedom in the world. Chomsky’s prolific writing, and his public lectures around the globe, have documented successive American administrations’ support for political and military dictatorships across Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia, as well as the devastating impact of direct American intervention. As Chomsky has stated: "As the most powerful state, the US makes its own laws, using force and conducting economic warfare at will."

Show sponsors for this program are The Visiting Lectures Committee, Lehigh University Humanities Center, Office of the Lehigh Chaplain, South Side Initiative, Center for Global Islamic Studies and the Departments of Political Science, English, History, and Journalism and Communication.

Chaplain's Forum: "Religion: Source of Violence or Source of Peace?"

Ronald J. Young, Executive Director of the U. S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Friday, February 1, 2013 - 4:15pm
Mark Twain Room, Maginnes

Lehigh University Welcomes Rabbi Sizomu

Thursday, November 8, 2012 - 4:15pm
Lehigh University Center Room 303

Endless Warfare: Where are DRONES Taking Us?

a talk by Nick Mottern Director of the 2012 “Know Drones” Tour
Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 101

Nick Mottern is director of the nation-wide “Know Drones” Tour.  He comes to Lehigh to talk about drone warfare. A graduate of the Columbia School of Journalism and a Viet Nam veteran, he has been a reporter for the Providence Journal and Evening Bulletin, a researcher for a US Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, a lobbyist for Bread for the World, and a writer and organizer of tours dealing with US involvement in Africa.  A visitor to many of the world’s war zones, he is author of the book, Suffering Strong.

Presented by the Dialogue Center

A Death Row Innocent—Executed

a talk by Rev. Joseph B. Ingle
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 4:15pm
Sinclair Auditorium (7 Asa Drive on the Lehigh Campus)

Joe Ingle, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and recipient of numerous humanitarian awards, has had a long career working with inmates on death rows in the South.  In his new book, Inferno: A Southern Morality Tale, Rev. Ingle tells the story of Philip Workman, a man who spent 26 years on Tennessee’s death row and was finally executed despite overwhelming evidence that he did not murder the police officer he was convicted of killing. Sister Helen Prejean says of Ingle’s book:  “It is the most detailed, intimate and complete look at a death row prisoner I have encountered.  It raises fundamental questions about our moral fabric as a nation.”

Presented by The Visiting Lecturers Committee and the Dialogue Center

Guest Artist Chard DeNiord

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 7:00pm
Zoellner Arts Center Lower Level Gallery

An evening of poetry with Chard DeNiord, author of four books of poetry, including the Alabama Poetry Prize winning Asleep in the Fire and The Double Truth, which the Boston Globe named one of the top ten books of poetry in 2011.  Praised for his “extraordinary verbal imagination” (Hayden Carruth) and for celebrating “the sheer wonder of being” (Peter Campion),  DeNiord, says critic Andrew Hudgins, “sees daily life in terms of eternity and interprets it in a modern rendition of the language of the Biblical psalmist, the language of intelligent and controlled ecstasy.”

Presented by The Program in Creative Writing (English Department) and The Dialogue Center, joining Zoellner Arts Center: Notations

Lehigh Prison Project

Information Session for Fall 2012: A meeting of students and faculty interested in tutoring at the Northampton County Prison in Easton
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 4:15pm
The Dialogue Center, 661 Taylor Street

What is the Lehigh Prison Project  and how can you be a part of it? This meeting will provide information about the project, procedures for prison orientation and the expectations for participants. Tutoring focuses on developing reading, writing and math skills and involves one-to-one sessions with low security inmates to help them prepare for high school graduation or GEDs. This project is open to any Lehigh student as a volunteer service opportunity.  This is the only information session to be held prior to next spring.

A Program of the Dialogue Center

God vs. Gay?

The Religious Case for Equality
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - 7:00pm
Packard Hall Room 466
Brought to you by: Dialogue Center, Chaplain's Office and Jewish Student Life

Difficult Dialogues

A program of the Center for Dialogue, Ethics and Spirituality
A talk, discussion and dialogue with Dr. Leroy Carhart
Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 4:15pm
Maginness 480

This "Difficult Dialogue" is a program of the Center for Dialogue, Ethics and Spirituality and funding for it has been provided by a grant from Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedome, a program of the Religious Coalitionh for Reproductive Choice.

Lehigh Prison Project

A program of the Dialogue Center
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 4:15pm
The Dialogue Center 661 Taylor Street

A meeting of students interested in tutoring at the Northampton County Prison in Easton.

What is the Lehigh Prison Project and how can you be a part of it?

This meeting will provide information about the project, procedures for prison orientation and the expectations for participants. Tutoring focuses on developing reading, writing and math skills and involves one-to-one sessions with low security inmates to help them prepare for high school graduation or GEDs. This project is open to any Lehigh student as a volunteer service op-portunity and this is the only information session to be held prior to next fall.

All Welcome

Questions?  Contact Dr. Lloyd Steffen, Director of the Dialogue Center, at x 83877 or “LHS1.”

Speaking Bodies

Tattoos and Transhumanism:On the Bioethics of Popular Culture
Michael Atkinson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Faculty of Physical Education and Health University of Toronto
Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 1:15pm
Linderman Room 200
Co-sponsored with the American Studies Program, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Health, Medicine and Society Program and Center for Dialogue, Ethics and Spirituality

Lehigh Prison Project - A Program of the Dialogue Center

Information Session for Spring 2010 A meeting of students interested in tutoring at the Northampton County Prison in Easton will be held at
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - 4:15pm
The Dialogue Center 661 Taylor Street on Tuesday December 1, 2009 4:10 p.m.

What is the Lehigh Prison Project and how can you be a part of it?

This meeting will provide information about the project, procedures for prison orientation and the expectations for participants. Tutoring focuses on developing reading, writing and math skills and involves one-to-one sessions with low security inmates to help them prepare for high school graduation or GEDs. This project is open to any Lehigh student as a volunteer service op-portunity and this is the only information session to be held prior to next fall.

All Weclome

Questions?  Contact Dr. Lloyd Steffen, Director of the Dialogue Center, at x 83877 or “LHS1.”

The Suffering of Abraham Lincoln A Story of Mental Anguish and Depression on an Extraordinary Individual’s Journey to Wisdom

Joshua Wolf Shenk Author of Lincoln’s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 7:30pm
Packard Lab Auditorium

This lecture is free and open to the public. Made possible by the Visiting Lectures Committee.

For more information contact the Lehigh University Chaplain’s Office—the Dialogue Center: 610-758-3877

Co-sponsors: The Chaplain’s Office—Dialogue Center; The Counseling Center; American Studies, History Department, Psychology Department, Religion Studies Department; Counseling Psychology; Health, Medicine and Society program.

Jim Moreno

Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 7:00pm
Maginess 101

Join LV Cask and PA-Amnesty International in listening to attorney Jim Moreno speak about the cost and efficiency of capital punishment in the USA.Mr. Moreno has been a public defender for over 20 years and is currently an assistant attorney for the Philadelphi Public Defenders Habeas Corpus. 

Co-Sponsored by the Chaplains Office, LV Cask, PA Amnesty International

The Death Penalty and Religion:

Rabbi Seth Goren, Director of Hillel Rev. Wayne Killian, Director of the Newman Center Rev. Dr. Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain and David Rose, giving the Quaker perspective
Thursday, April 2, 2009 - 1:45pm
Maginnes 102

Presented by - LV CASK, PA-Amnesty International, & The Chaplain’s Office:

A panel discussing various religious views on capital punishment

Rock 4 Haiti

Friday, March 20, 2009 - 7:00pm
Packard Lab 101
Spoken Word
LU'S Finest Step Team
Blitz the Amabassador
Hosted by the Black Student Union and the Association of International Students
Co-sponsored by:  African Studies/Alpha Gamma Delta/Alpha Omicron Pi/Alpha Tau Omega/Chaplain's Office/Delta Gamma/Delta Upsilon/Global Union/Graduate Student Life/Late Night Lehigh/Latin American Studies/LU Swimming and Diving/LU Track and Field/Phi Kappa Thet/ Women's Studies

Rev. Joseph B. Ingle speaking on

Lethal Injection as Torture: The Continuing Challenge of the Death Penalty
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 - 7:00pm
Room 200, Linderman Library
Rev. Joseph B. Ingle is the former director of the Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons, founder of the Tennessee Committee against State Killing, and has served most recently the Executive Director of the Nashville-based Neighborhood Justice Center, an alternative conflict management center dedicated to restorative justice. 
Ingle is one of America’s most prominent opponents of the death penalty.  His work on death row, which began in 1973, has taken him into many different Southern prisons and death rows, and he has chronicled some of his experiences in his book, Last Rights:  Thirteen Fatal Encounters with the State’s Justice. The late Pulitzer-Prize winning author William Styron said of Ingle, “his service in the cause of the abolition of the death penalty—one of the purest of all moral missions—has been steadfast and sometimes heroic, and his work will deserve honor long after that day when the hand of the executioner is finally stilled.” 
Born in North Carolina, Ingle is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York City and was a Harvard fellow in 1991.  He has twice been formally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize—in 1988 and 1989.
This event is sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office

Dr. Paul Schlueter Speaking on

"Doris Lessing: A Personal Memoir”
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 480
Dr. Paul Schlueter has had a 45 year friendship and collaboration with 2007 Nobel Prize winning author, Doris Lessing.  Schlueter, author of many books, including The Novels of Doris Lessing, wrote the first doctoral dissertation on Lessing and holds the distinction of being the only person to share a copyright with Lessing for the book he introduced and edited, Lessing’s A Small Personal  Voice: Essays, Reviews and Interviews.
Dr. Schlueter, well known to many at Lehigh, offers this “personal memoir” as a reflection on a literary friendship that began in 1964 and as an event in the celebration of Women’s History Month.  The talk will be accompanied by pictures from Dr. Schlueter’s private collection.
*All Are Welcome*
Sponsored by The Chaplain’s Office, The Women’s Center, English Department and Women’s Studies

Reproductive Rights: The Religious Dimension

"The Fetus is Innocent? A Moral and Theological Relflection"
Dr. Lloyd Steffen University Chaplain and Professor of Religion Studies
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 4:15pm
Women's Center (UC 207)
Sponsored by the Chaplain's Office, the Department of Religion Studies, Women's Studies, the Women's Center and Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom

Paul Rusesabagina

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 7:00pm
Zoellner's Baker Hall

Considered the "Rwandan Schindler," Rusesabagina saved over 1,200 lives during the Rwandan genocide. His story is chronicled in both his book, An Ordinary Man, and the Oscar-nominated film, Hotel Rwanda, a riveting account of a man finding strength within himself to save others in the midst of his country's darkest moment. As a global humanitarian, he works tirelessly to make certain we understand the lessons of Rwanda to prevent future disasters.

Book signing at the Lehigh University Bookstore from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Berman Center to Mark the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht

"An Evening with Madame F"
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 7:30pm

This internationally acclaimed musical drama stars Claudia Stevens and tells the stories of concentrations camp prisoners who survived the Holocaust by singing and playing music to their Nazi oppressors.

This program is sponosred by the Philip and Muriel Berman Center for Jewish Studies, the Dept. of History and Office of the University Chaplan.

Arabic Music Seminar

presented by Lehigh University Music Department Timothy Schwarz, Sring Department Chair
Saturday, November 1, 2008 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Zoellnar Arts Center at Lehigh University Room 145
Free and open to the public
Everyone can observe string players and composers and are encouraged to participate.
For further info please contact Timothy Schwarz at 610-758-4592 or

Election: Where are we? Where are we going?

A discussion about the 2008 election campaign, with reference to religion, gender, race, economics
Monday, October 20, 2008 - 4:15pm
Professor Al Wurth, Political Science
Professor Ted Morgan, Political Sccience
Rabbi Seth Goren, Director of Jewish Student Life, Hillel
Dr. Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain and Religion Studies
Dr. Rita Jones, Director, Women's Center
Chris Huether ’09, President College Republicans and
Chris Addy, ’10 President College Democrats
All are Welcome
This event is sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office, 610-758-3877.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 - 6:00pm
Lamberton Great Hall
Dine.  Dance. Dandiya!
FREE Henna Tatoos--Dancing-- Indian Food Vendors and
Presented by: Hindu Student Council Bhakti, Co-sponsored by the Chaplain's Office

The Wall Street Crisis:

“We’re all involved. . . and always were.”
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 - 4:15pm
A talk by
Wight Martindale Jr. ’60
Part-time Lehigh professor, Wight Martindale, a Lehigh alumnus, knows the Wall Street scene well.  A former institution bond salesman for Lehman Brothers on Wall Street and one time financial editor for Business Week, he founded the West Fourth Street Advisors and also served as managing director of high yield and distress securities at Guggenheim Capital Markets.  An English major and a running star while at Lehigh, Martindale went back to graduate school in mid-life, and in 1995 he earned his Ph.D. in English from NYU.  His book about street- hoops in Greenwich Village, Inside the Cage: A Season at West 4th Street’s Legendary Tournament,” was published to critical acclaim 2006. 
All are Welcome
This event is sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office, 610-758-3877.

Iftar Dinner

Lehigh Unviersity Musilin Student Association
Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Windish Hall on Packer Avenue

Come and enjoy a catered dinner, learn more about the month of Ramadan and why Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan.

Co-sponosred by the Chaplain's Office, Global Unionm Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Deann of Students Questions? Please contact

Soul of a Citizen

Paul Rogat Loeb
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 - 7:30pm
Packard Lab Auditorium

How can you make your voice heard and your actions count?Paul Loeb explores how to act on our deepest beliefs--and make a difference despite all the obstacles

A talk co-sponsored by Chaplain's Office

Women in Tibetan Buddhism:

Problems and Promise in both Theory and Practice
Professor Janet Gyatso Hershey Professor of Buddhist Studies at Harvard University
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 4:15pm
Sinclair Auditorium

Professor Gyatso will discuss historical women in Tibetan Buddhism, issues about gender politics, and some distinctive theories about gender from Tibetan communities. She will also consider the current debate about the reestablishment of the fully ordained nun's order in Tibet by the current Dalai Lama.

All are Welcome!
This presentation in the Spring series of University events on the Lehigh campus anticipates the visit to Lehigh in July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh homepage.

Tibet Revisited, 20 Years:

The Photography of an Expedition to Tibet
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 4:15pm
Linderman Library - Room 200
A public lecture and photographic presentation by
Elaine Ling
Internationally celebrated photographer and
Lehigh University Artist-in -Residence
I first met the Tibetans 20 years ago when I worked at the Patan Hospital in Katmandu. I was in charge of the women’s clinic and met many Tibetan patients.
My work led me to the refugee camps where families told me their stories and showed me their treasures.
 I followed my fascination of these nomadic people and visited Tibet. In 2007, 20 years later, I returned to find that Tibetan Buddhism is alive and well and that the old and the young are still pilgrims.
All are Welcome!
This presentation in the Spring series of University events on the Lehigh campus anticipates the visit to Lehigh in July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh homepage.


Ending the Pursuit of Happiness: A Zen Guide

A public lecture
Dr. Barry Magid
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 4:15pm
Barry Magid is a training and supervising analyst at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health and the founding Zen teacher of the Ordinary Mind Zendo in New York City, having received Dharma Transmission from Charlotte Joko Beck in 1999. He is the author of Ordinary Mind: Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and Psychoanalysis (Wisdom 2002) and Ending the Pursuit of Happiness (Wisdom 2008).  He is also the editor of Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard (Timken, 1992) and Freud’s Case Studies: Self Psychological Perspectives (Analytic Press, 1993).
All are Welcome!
This presentation in the Spring series of University events on the Lehigh campus anticipates the visit to Lehigh in July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh homepage.
A Talk Sponsored by the Visiting Lecturer’s Committee

Contemplative Education

Thomas Coburn President, Naropa University
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - 4:15pm
Sinclair Auditorium
Dr. Thomas B. Coburn became president of Naropa University, Boulder, CO on July 1, 2003. Prior to assuming this post, Dr. Coburn served from 1996 to 2002 as vice president of the university and dean of academic affairs at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, where he was also the Charles A. Dana Professor of Religious Studies.
Dr. Coburn holds a BA in religious studies from Princeton University and a MTS and PhD in comparative religion from Harvard University. He is a well-known scholar of the great goddess tradition in Hinduism. He has lectured broadly in the United States and India and is a widely published author specializing in comparative and Asian religion.
All are Welcome!
This presentation is the first in the Spring series of University events on the Lehigh campus anticipating the visit to Lehigh in July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh homepage.
A Talk Sponsored by the Visiting Lecturer’s Committee

Susan Werner Brings “The Gospel Truth” (“Hymns for the Spiritually Ambivalent”) to Lehigh

Friday, November 30, 2007 - 4:45pm
Zoellner Arts Center, Rm. 145
Susan Werner is one of the smartest, most entertaining singer-songwriters working right now. Her most recent project, “The Gospel Truth,” explores the role of the Church in America today. These “hymns for the spiritually ambivalent” challenge and affirm at the same time. They capture a variety of voices, from faithful and traditional to the critical and even the unconvinced. No single musical category or genre can capture Werner’s music, which is always diverse, fresh and compelling. Werner will present “The Gospel Truth,” through a performance, discussion and Q&A. The event is free and open to members of the Lehigh University community. Find out more about Werner and her music at Only 100 seats available!
“Always an impressive songwriter, Werner continues to compose sharp, funny, compassionate lyrics, a gift rare enough to set her apart.” (The Washington Post) 
“…a triply blessed artist who sings adroitly, plays the piano smartly and, best of all, writes songs of genuine distinction and high craft…one of the most innovative songwriters working today.” (Chicago Tribune)
Presented by The department of Religion Studies Co-sponsored by the Department of Music, ArtsLehigh, the Chaplain’s Office, and the Humanities Center. For more information call 610-758-3353.

Adventures on Top of the World:

A visitor's view of Tibet's cultural, political, and geological place on the Earth
Professor Dork Sahagian Director, Lehigh’s Environmental Initiative
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 4:15pm
200, Linderman Library

A talk and visual presentation

Professor Sahagian recently traveled to Tibet to determine when the Tibetan Plateau rose to become the "top of the world.”  His travels extended from the Potala Palace in Lhasa to the distant countryside. In this talk he shares his experiences with the people he encountered and the places he visited.  This talk will include a visual presentation of Tibet, which Professor Sahagian has called
“a truly unique, yet endangered gem on Earth.”

In Search of Shangri-La

Lehigh University: Visiting Lecturer’s Committee, Chaplain’s Office, Asian Studies and Department of Religion Studies
Professor Donald Lopez, Jr.
Saturday, November 17, 2007 - 7:30pm
Sinclair Auditorium
Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies; Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan;
renowned scholar and award-winning author of numerous books, including: 
Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West
and The Madman’s Middle Way
The Angry Monk: 
Reflections on Tibet
Professor Lopez will introduce and lead a discussion of this controversial Luc Schaedler film.
All are Welcome!
This presentation is the second in a series of events on the Lehigh campus anticipating the visit to Lehigh in
 July, 2008 of Tenzin Gyasto, the 14th Dalai Lama.  For other upcoming events go to the Lehigh web site.

Bringing, Building, Spreading: Hope

Mizero Children of Rwanda
Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 7:00pm
Packer Memorial Church
Mizero is a talented troupe of Rwandan orphans who carry an unforgettable message of hope and joy through song, dance, and drumming.
This non-profit group is touring the US and Canada to raise money for the young victims of the genocide and HIV/AIDS.
Mizero ( meaning “hope” in Kinyarwanda) has a mission to Bring, Build and Spread: Hope to orphans and other vulnerable children affected by the Rwandan genocide. And to share that faith with the future leaders of Rwanda so it can be passed on to future generations.
These children are serving as ambassadors, representing the over 1 million orphans in Rwanda. They are symbols of hope. And they are simply unforgettable, once you have experienced them and heard their story.
Sponosred by the Chaplain's Office and Global Union


Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 4:00pm
Maginnes Hall 270

Raed Jarrar is an Iraqi political analyst and consultant to American Friends Service Committee.  After the start of the war in 2003, he directed the only door-to-door casualty survery group in post-war Iraq and established a grassroots organization that provided humanitarian and political aid to Iraqi internally displaced persons.  Since moving to the United States in 2005 he has contributed to several Iraq-relatedprojects. He writes Foreign Policy in Focus and AlterNet as well as maintaining Raed in the Middle, a web-log with analysis of current Iraqi political conditions.

Sponsored by the Progressive Student Alliance and Chaplain's Office

Diwali 2007: Roshni

Sunday, November 4, 2007 - 4:30pm
Baker Hall, Zoellner Arts Center tickets $10, $8 with Lehigh ID (dinner included)
For further info contact:
Kavitha Krishnamoorthy at 908-331-0767
Siddarth Jain at 609-902-1915
In assocation with:
Global Union, Student Senate, Women's Center, Student Affairs, Penn Arts Council, Modern Languages, Multicultural Affairs, Lehigh India Club, Office of International Students,, LU Bhangra, Global Citizenship, Dean of Students, Chaplain's Office, Lehigh HSC

Confronting Disparities in Health:

Toward a Global Perspective
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - 7:30pm
Packard Lab Auditorium
David Satcher, Ph.D., M.D.
Director, Center of Excellence on Health Disparities
Poussaint-Satcher-Cosby Chair in Mental Health
Morehouse School of Medicine
16th Surgeon General of the United States
Lecture Sponsored by:  W.M. Keck Foundation grant for Applied Life Sciences, Visiting Lecturers Committee, Health, Medicine and Society Committee, Chaplain's Office, Multicultural Affairs, Science, Technology and Society Program, Humanities Center and Women's Center

Beyond the Language of Truth: Testimony and Exile after Survival

Nora Strejilevich
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 102
Nora Strejilevich, an ex-detainee-disappeared who survived the atrocities of the "Dirty War" in her country Argentina (1976-83), will talk about the act of giving testimony. Testimony after genocide voices the intimate, subjective, deep dimension of horror. Having witnessed the abyss of atrocity, survivors can no longer rely on knowledge or facts as the basis for thinking. It is mostly in the realm of literature where recounting becomes an elaboration of language so that it can invoke the true nature of the “event.” This talk addresses the role of testimony as a means for working through traumatic memories and for social and cultural resistance - a must for the ethical recovery of a community after the experience of utmost exclusion. 
Sponsored by the Latin American Studies Program, Berman Center, Humanities Center, Office of the Chaplain, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Global Citizenship, Women’s Studies. This event is part of the “Diaspora: Re-imagining Cultural Space” Project.

The Jesus Tomb

An informal talk and discussion
Professor Ben Wright Chair, Department of Religion Studies
Thursday, April 5, 2007 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 113
Professor Ben Wright, who teaches courses in Bible, ancient Jewish and Christian literature, and the history of Judaism and Early Christianity, discusses the recent controversy over “The Jesus Tomb” documentary.  Professor Wright is uniquely qualified among Lehigh faculty to address this topic since his research focuses in the time period from about 300 BCE to the end of the first century, which includes the period of early Christianity.  
Author, co-author, and editor of several books, including Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism,Professor Wright’s research has focused in Jewish Wisdom literature, especially a book called The Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira; the translation of Jewish literature from Hebrew into Greek; and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
All are Welcome
Lehigh University Chaplain’s Office – 610-758-3877
Sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office and the Department of Religion Studies

Trial by Church

A Church’s Discipline, a Minister’s Integrity
Reverend Beth Stroud an ordained United Methodist pastor, Beth Stroud lost her clergy credentials in a 2004 church trial. Rev. Stroud was found guilty of “practices declared by the United Methodist Church to be incompatible with Christian teaching” because she acknowledged living in a committed relationship with another woman.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - 4:15pm
Maginnes 102

All are Welcome

Sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office, LBGTQA, Women’s Studies, Women's Center, Multi-Cultural Affairs and Religion Studies

"The Road Out of Guantanamo: Resisting the War On Terror”

Frida Berrigan
Monday, February 26, 2007 - 4:00pm
Maginnes 101

Peace activist Frida Berrigan is a Senior Research Associate with the Arms Trade Resource Center of the World Policy Institute. She has led marches on Guantanamo in an effort to “make the prison and its victims visible to those who are responsible for their torture and abuse.”

Sponsored by Lehigh Chaplain's Office Progressive Student Alliance LEPOCO

"The Face of AIDS: Access and Care in the Lehigh Valley and Kenya"

Saturday, January 13, 2007 - 4:15pm to 5:15pm
Maginnes 102
Ms. Opiyo-Omolo is the program manager at AIDSNET, the Lehigh Valley’s regional authority for coordinating AIDS services among ten local medical and social service agencies.  She is originally from Kenya.   She received her MPH in Community Health at E. Stroudsburg U. in 2004.   In 2005, she co-founded The Alice Visionary Foundation Project, a non-profit organization in Kenya, which serves and supports children orphaned by AIDS and also provides educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for women living with HIV/AIDS. 
Supported by Lehigh’s W. M. Keck Foundation Grant for Applied Life Sciences; Co-sponsored by: Biological Sciences, Sociology/Anthropology, Chaplain's Office and Religion Studies

"Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues"

Sister Helen Prejean author of Dead Man Walking
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - 7:30pm
Packard Lab Auditorium

Book signing to follow lecture.

Sponsored by the Chaplain's Office and the Visiting Lectures Committee

Eyes Wide Open

Beyond fear - towards hope; An exhibition of the Iraq War
Friday, October 6, 2006 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Packer Chapel Patio
Eyes Wide Open Across Pennsylvania is an exhibit that speaks directly to our hearts and reminds us of the human cost of war.   Over 120 pairs of empty combat boots--tagged with the names of PA. soldiers who have died in the current Iraq war--will be displayed, together with a visual representation of thousands of Iraqi civilians who have died during the conflict.  As of July 2006, PA has lost over 124 soldiers, the third highest state casualty count in the US.  There will be a brief opening ceremony followed by the reading of the names of the 124 soldiers.
Sponsored by the Progressive Student Alliance, the Chaplain's Office, the American Studies Program, the Newman Center, the Muslim Student Association, and Counseling and Psychological Services, ArtsLehigh, Humanities Center
For further info on this program you can  go to:

Say Word! Hip Hop Theatre Festival

Monday, September 18, 2006 - 1:00pm to Saturday, September 30, 2006 - 1:00pm
The Say Word! Hip Hop Theatre Festival, will bring over 25 artists (world renowned performers, local talent and Lehigh students) to campus for 13 days of programming.  The festival will host a revolving series of live music, dance, spoken word, dramatic performance, lectures, workshops and open mic nights.  This festival will be the first of its kind at Lehigh University, or in the Lehigh Valley for that matter! 
Co-sponsored by the Department of Theatre, Visiting Lecturers Committee, Multi-Cultural Affairs and the Chaplain's Office

Peter Balakian

Armenian-American poet, writer and academic
Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 7:30pm
Whitaker Auditorium

Peters Balakian' award winning memoir, Black Dog of Fate, recounts the experience of his ancestors during the Armenian Genocide

Talk sponsored by the Visiting Lectures Committee, the Berman Center, the Humanities Center, the Chaplain's Office, the International Relations department the Lehigh Patriot and the College Republicans

"Sweatshops, Women, and Activism"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 7:00pm
Maginnes 112

Get informed about the reality of sweatshops, experiences of women workers, and what YOU can do about it!

Sponsored by The Women's Center, Women's Studies Program, Humanities Center, Chaplain's Office, and PSA.

"Sweatshops, Women, and Activism"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 7:00pm
Maginnes 112

Get informed about the reality of sweatshops, experiences of women workers, and what YOU can do about it!

Sponsored by The Women's Center, Women's Studies Program, Humanities Center, Chaplain's Office, and PSA.

MSA Movie Night

Film: “Inside Islam” -- A History Channel Production
Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 8:00pm
Maginnes 480
-This film examines how the religion's central tenets helped spread Islam to the far corners of the world. It is a multi-faceted, illuminating introduction to a much misunderstood faith.
*Food and drinks will be served*
This event is jointly funded by the Global Union, Chaplain’s Office and the OISS director, Bill Hunter

“Contemporary Muslim-Christian Relations from a Historical Perspective”

Proudly Presented by The Muslim Student Association
Khalid Latif
Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 4:00pm
Sinclair Auditorium Lehigh University

Khalid Latif is currently serving as the Muslim Chaplain at NYU.  In addition to being an educator with Abraham’s Vision, Brother Latif is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with a concentration on Muslim-Christian Relations.  A young, dynamic, and eloquent speaker, Br. Latif draws on his diverse academic and professional background to offer an informed viewpoint on issues past and present.

Open to the Public

This event is jointly funded by the Global Union, Chaplain’s Office and the OISS director, Bill Hunter

"Hajj Experience"

Speaker: Youssef E Chouhoud MSA President and Graduate Student
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 12:00pm
Whitaker 203
-Learn the significance of this sacred Islamic ritual performed annually in Mecca by millions of Muslims.
*Lunch will be served*

Darfur Diaries: Message from Home" Film Screening

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 4:00pm
Whitaker Auditorium
The screening will be accompanied by a short presentation by  Professor Rajan Menon of International Relations, and will be followed by a discussion afterwards.
In October, 2004 a team of three independent filmmakers left for Darfur, Sudan and eastern Chad. After monitoring the worsening political and humanitarian crisis for months and recognizing that the mainstream media offered marginal and inadequate coverage, the team set out with the goal of providing a platform for the people of Darfur to speak for themselves about their experiences, their fears, and their hopes for the future through this film that they made while there.
Co-sponsored by the Progressive Student Alliance, Religion Studies Department and the Office of the University Chaplain

"Evolution and Atheism"

The 2006 Inaugural Richard Connell Lecture
Professor Alvin Plantinga University of Notre Dame
Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 4:15pm
Maginnes Hall Room 102

Arrested in 1991 and sentenced to death row for a murder he did not commit, Mr. Krone refused to believe the legal system would convict him. Ray was imprisoned for more than a decade and continued to fight through many appeals until with the help of attorney Alan Simpson he was able to convince an appeals court that DNA pointed to someone else.  Krone became the 100th person to be exonerated from death row since 1973. He has traveled throughout the US and Europe, telling his story to audiences that invariably are profoundly moved by the ordeal he survived.

Free and open to the public

Co-sponsored by the Chaplain's Office, Humanities Center, Progressive Student Alliance and the Witness to Innocence Project

Organ Recital - John Finney

Friday, February 17, 2006 - 7:30pm
Packer Memorial Church
Internationally renowned and prize-winning organist, John Finny will present an organ recital in Packer Memorial Church
on Friday, February 17, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.  John is a distinguished artist-in-residence at Boston College and Director of the Univeristy Chorale and Boston College Symphony Orchestra.
The recital is free and open to the public.
For more information, call the Chaplain's Office at 610-758-3877

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration

"Islam, Human Rights, and Democracy" (The 2006 Kenner Lecture)
Rev. Al Sharpton Keynote Speaker
Monday, January 30, 2006 - 7:45pm

As a lawyer and Iran's first female judge, Shirin Ebadi has led the call for challenges in divorce and inheritance legislation and championed the right of womem, families, and children.  Ebadi challenges the narrow interpretation of Islam (both from within and without) with a view that underscores the essential compatibility of Islamic teachings with democracy, human rights, and legal protection for women and children,  She also challenges the West to discard misconceptions about Muslims and put into practice its democratic ideals in dealing with less powerful nations.  Shirin Ebadi was the first Iranian citizen to be awarded the Nobel Peace Price.  She chronicles the Iranian reformist movement and her exceptional life in her forthcoming memoir, Iran Awakening:  A Memoir of Revolution and Hope.

Open to the public free of charge.  For more information call 610-758-3352

Co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, Women's Studies Program, Religion Studies Department, Berman Center for Jewish Studies, Humanities Center, Chaplain's Office, Global Union, and Office of International Students and Scholars.

Bioethics of Stem Cell Research

Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 7:00pm
Perella Auditorium

Renown scholar, Dr. Glen McGee (Director, Bioethics Instititue, Albany Medical College)will discuss the ethical dilemmas posed by stem cell research 

Co-sponsored by the Graduate Life Office and the Chaplain's Office

Intelligent Design: What does it mean for science? For religion?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 - 4:15pm
Maginnes Hall Room 480
Dr. Michael Behe, Professor, Biological Sciences
Dr. Lynne Cassameris, Professor,  Biological Sciences
Dr. Steven Goldman, Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Professor in the Humanities
Dr. Tamra Mendelson, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Dr. Michael Raposa,  Professor,  Religion Studies; E.W. Fairchild Professor, American Studies
Dr. Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain/Professor, Religion Studies
Sponsored by the Chaplain's Office. For further information call 610-758-3877.

Nonviolence in the Age of Terrorism

A Public Lecture
Arun Gandhi Author, Journalist, Founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 7:30pm
Packard Lab Auditorium
Co-sponsored by the Visiting Lecturer's Committee, The Department of Religion Studies, The Humanities Center, Asisan Studies, Progressive Student Alliance

"James Baldwin Down From the Mountaintop" - Calvin Levels-One Man Performance

Actor, Stage and Film, Tony Award Nominee
Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 8:00pm
Packer Memorial Church
All James Baldwin programs are sponsored by: Humanites Center, Visiting Lectures Committee, American Studies, Dept. of Theatre, 
Religions Studies, Chaplain's Office, English Dept., The Office of Multicultural Affairs, Africana Studies, Spectrum Student Club,
Women's Center, Moravian College Office on Institutional Diversity.

"Prophetic Voice, Prophetic Witness: The Living Legacy of James Baldwin"

Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 4:15pm
Linderman 200
David Leeming - speaker - Author James Baldwiun:  A Biography 
Trudier Harris -  speaker - English Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 

"James Baldwin: From Another Place"

Sedat Pakay, Filmmaker
Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 4:15pm

Wheels of Justice

Eye Witness Accounts to Occupation in Iraq & Palistine.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 7:00pm
Lewis Lab, Room 270
Having seen and lived with war, terror, and occupation in Iraq and Palestine, participants in the Wheels of Justice offer first hand experience irrespective 
of partisan politics and sound bite sloganeering.  To build upon the growing domestic opposition to the war against Iraq and occupation of Palestine, the Wheels 
of Justice Tour will cover the United States with education, outreach, training, active non-violent resistance, and community building.
Sponsored by: Progressive Student Alliance, Chaplain's Office, Humanities Center & Political Science Dept.

"The Battle for God."

Karen Armstrong
Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 7:30pm
Packard 101
Karen Armstrong is the author of the international best-seller The History of God, and many other books on religion, including Islam: A Short History, The Gospel According to Woman, Holy War, Muhammad, and The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  In her lecture, Armstrong will present an account of the history of fundamentalism in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and discuss the continued growth of fundamentalist movements as a response to a technologically driven world with liberal Western values.
Co-sponsored by  the Visiting Lectures Committee and the Religion Studies Department 

“Our Bodies, Our Votes: Women’s Health and the Election”

Marcia Ann Gillespie
Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 7:30pm
Whitaker 303
As the former Editor in Chief of Essence and Ms. magazines, Marcia Ann Gillespie has been a trailblazer in the publishing world for more than two decades.  Time magazine named her "One of Fifty Faces for America's Future.”  Gillespie has written extensively about global women’s health issues.
This lecture series is sponsored by the Women’s Center, Visiting Lectures Commitee, the Chaplain’s Office, and the Office of Graduate Student Life 

"The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions"

Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 7:30pm
Maginnes Hall
A major American poet known for the brilliance and compassion of her visionm Alicia Ostriker is the author of ten volumes of poetry including The Imaginary Lover, which won the William Carlos Williams Poetry Award.  She has also written Feminist Revision and the Bible.  She is a professor of English and creative writing at Rutgers University and has taught midrash writing in the United States, England, Italy and Australia.
Co-sponsored by the Berman Center for Jewish Studies, English Dept., Religion Studies Dept., Chaplain's Office, Humanities Center, Women's Studies and the Women's Center 

"Sex, Lies, and The Vagina Monologues."

Christina Hoff Sommers
Monday, October 4, 2004 - 7:00pm
Sinclair Auditorium.
Sommers is the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 
A former university philosophy professor, she is the author of  Who Stole Feminism?  How Women Have 
Betrayed Women and The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men.
Co-sponsored by the College Republicans, Young America's Foundation, the English Department, and the Humanities Center.

“What Can I Do? How to Change the World from Where You Are”

Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 8:00pm
Whitaker 303
Reception and book signing to follow.
Richards and Baumgardner are the authors of Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future. 
Together they have toured over 160 colleges and universities.  Their next book, 
Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism will be published in January 2005 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 

Islamic Ethics: From the Premodern to the Postcolonial

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 4:15pm
Sinclair Auditorium
Carl W. Ernst is a specialist in Islamic studies, with a focus on Iran and South Asia. His published research, based on the study of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, has been mainly devoted to the study of Islam and Sufism. His most recent book is Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World (UNC Press, 2003). He studied comparative religion at Stanford University (A.B. 1973) and Harvard University (Ph.D. 1981), and has done research tours in India, Pakistan, and Turkey, and has also visited Iran, and Uzbekistan. He has taught at Pomona College (1981-1992) and has been a visiting lecturer in Paris and Seville. A faculty member of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill since 1992, and department chair 1995-2000, he is now Zachary Smith Professor.
Sponsored by the Religion Studies Department and Chaplain's Office, Humanities Center, Asian Studies Program, Global Union, Department of Interntational Relations and the Department of Philosophy. Free and open to the public.

Myths and Realities of Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Speakers: Cindy and Craig Corrie
Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 7:00pm
Lewis Lab270

Last year, one American  peace activist Rachel Corrie was killed by Israeli Defense Force in Gaza Strip.  Before Rachel died, she had written emails to her parents and her friends, and letters were published by British newspaper Guardian.  These beautifully well written documents touched millions of people’s heart, and the parents of Rachel Corrie will speak their daughter’s live account of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Sponsored by: Progressive Student Alliance, Chaplain’s Office, Political Science Dept., Humanities Center, Multi-Cultural Center, Women’s Center, and LEPOCO

The accidental Making of an Activist or How to grow up to be a peacemaker

Lecture/Discussion with: Winifred E. Romeril of Peace Brigades International:
Monday, March 22, 2004 - 7:00pm
Whitaker Lab Auditorium
As a member of PBI, Ms. Romeril has served as an "unarmed bodyguard" in Guatemal and other Latin American nations and in Indonesia.  She is the author of PBI's training manual for its Inodnesia Project and has served as evaluator of prospective BPI participants and has trained teams of human rights accompaniers. A practicing Paramedic, she hold the B.A. in Latin American Studies and Spanish from Mount Holyoke College and the M.A. in International Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame. 
Sponsored by the Chaplain's Office and the English Department Free and open to the public.

The Challenge of Race

A lecture by Reverend James Cone
Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 3:00pm

The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center Street, Bethlehem. Author of Risks of Faith and Black Theology and Black Power, Rev. Cone  is an ordained minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Charles A. Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology of Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

Symbolizing the Holocaust: Maus and Other Projects

Monday, February 23, 2004 - 4:15pm
Maginnes Hall
Author to discuss symbols of Holocaust-- Oren Baruch Stier, professor of religious studies at Florida International University, will speak at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Maginnes Hall. Stier will discuss “Symbolizing the Holocaust: Maus and Other Projects” in a talk in Room 480 that is free and open to the public. The author of Committed to Memory: Cultural Mediations of the Holocaust, Stier is currently a fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Representations of the Holocaust often rely on symbols to communicate their intended messages in a shorthand of signification. In many cases, these symbols originate in the visual and metaphoric vocabulary of the Nazi era, though they frequently evolve and assume lives of their own beyond their use and application within the context of World War II. These icons become the building blocks of Holocaust memory. In his lecture, Stier will discuss some of these contemporary images and applications, with special reference to Art Spiegelman's Maus volumes, a Pulitzer Prize-winning portrayal of the Holocaust in cartoon form.
Sponsored by the Berman Center, the Littauer Foundation, the Chaplain's Office and Religion Studies Department

Nonviolence in a Time of War

Lecture by journalist and peace activist Colman McCarthy
Monday, February 9, 2004 - 7:00pm
Whitaker Auditorium
For 20 years Colman McCarthy has balanced his career as a columnist (including some years at the Washington Post) with teaching courses on peaceful resolution to conflict to more than 5,000 students at such institutions as Georgetown Law School, the University of Maryland, various suburban prep schools, and a detention center for troubled youth in the Washington area.
"Every day in my classrooms students devour the literature of nonviolence and slowly commit themselves to living a life in which conflicts are settled through the force of justice, the force of organized resistance to abusive power, the force of truth -- satya -- and the force of love, not the force of fists, guns, bombs, nukes or armies."  In our elementary schools, high schools and colleges and universities, we have "a combined population of 50 million learners.  Unless we teach our children peace, someone else will teach them violence."
Information: Professor Addison Bross / 610-758-3331 / 

The Producer of Al Jazeera to Speak at Lehigh

The Producer of Al Jazeera USA, Mr. Imad Musa, will speak on the looming war with Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and Arab sentiment toward Americans in the Middle East, during a presentation on:
Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 4:00pm
Whitaker Auditorium
Imad Musa is a producer for Al-Jazeera Television in Washington, DC. He studied journalism at George Mason University, in Virginia, and the University of Missouri at Columbia. Imad worked as a correspondent for Associated Press and Reuters news agencies in Jerusalem throughout the '90s, covering the Palestinian Intifada, the Madrid peace conference and the Oslo peace accords. In 1999, he helped establish Newsweek's Arabic version. He has also worked at ABC Television in New York and Reuters Television in Washington. At Al-Jazeera TV, he helps manage the day-to-day news and produce a weekly talk show covering U.S. domestic and international affairs, "From Washington."
Co-Sponsored by the Global Union and the Chaplain's Office

The Ever-Alive Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance for the Biblical Text, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity

Shalom Paul, Professor of Bible, Hebrew University, discusses three areas of research revolutionized by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Monday, April 7, 2003 - 4:15pm
Maginnes Hall, Room 480
For more information, contact Shirley Ratushny at 610 758-3352 or
For more information, see
A Berman Center Lecture co-sponsored by the Chaplain's Office. 
This event is sponsored by Lehigh University - Berman Center for Jewish Studies.

Ted Conover

Thursday, April 3, 2003 - 4:15pm
Room. 200 Linderman Library
Conover is a journalist, most renowned for his book NEWJACK:  Guarding Sing-Sing, which won him the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2001.

Film: Trembling Before G-D

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 - 7:00pm
Whitaker Laboratory Room 203
 Intimately told personal stories of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian. Panel discussion to follow the documentary, with panelists:  Rabbi Moshe Re'em - Temple Beth El, Professor Larry Silberstein - Berman Center, Lloyd Steffen - Chaplain. 
For more information, contact Rochelle Aubert at (610) 758-5973 or
This event is co-sponsored by Lehigh University - Multicultural Affairs, Hillel Society, Berman Center, Chaplain's Office, Safe Space, Office Of Multicultural Affairs

Barry Lynn

Wednesday, December 4, 2002 - 4:15pm
Barry Lynn, attorney, champion of religious liberty, and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State will speak on the Lehigh University campus Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30 the Sinclair Lab Auditorium.  He will address the topic, “Protecting Religious Freedom in a Time of Crisis: A Post 9-11 Evaluation of the First Amendment.”
 In addition to his evening lecture, the Humanities Center will be hosting a reception for Lynn at 4:10 p.m. at 224 West Packer Avenue.  In keeping with the Humanities Center theme of “public intellectual,” Lynn will discuss informally his role in public debate over constitutional issues involving the First Amendment, including school vouchers and the controversial “faith based” initiative of the Bush Administration.  Lynn regularly appears on appears on television talk shows to debate or discuss public policy as it relates to the First Amendment. 
                                                                      Barry W. Lynn 
                                                                   Executive Director 
                                            Americans United for Separation of Church and State
    Before accepting the post at Americans United, Lynn held a variety of positions related to religious liberty. From1984 to 1991 he was legislative counsel for the Washington office of the American Civil Liberties Union, where he frequently worked on church-state issues. From 1974 to 1980 Lynn served in a variety of positions with the national offices of the United Church of Christ, including a two-year stint as legislative counsel for the Church's Office of Church in Society in Washington, D.C.
   A member of the Washington, D.C. bar, Lynn earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1978. In addition, he is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ who received his theology degree from Boston University School of Theology in 1973. Lynn earned his bachelor's degree at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 1970.
   An accomplished speaker and lecturer, Lynn has appeared frequently on television and radio broadcasts to debate and discuss First Amendment issues. News programs on which he has appeared include The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, Today Show, Nightline, CNN's Crossfire, 60 Minutes, The Phil Donahue Show, Good Morning America, national nightly news from NBC, ABC and CBS, Equal Time and Larry King Live. He also served for two years as regular co-host of "Pat Buchanan and Company" on the Mutual Broadcasting System, and now does a weekly syndicated radio program, "Review of  the News," with Col. Oliver North.
   Lynn is the co-author of the recently published The Right to Religious Liberty: The Basic ACLU Guide to Religious Rights. He writes frequently on First Amendment issues, appearing in publications such as USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Nation, 
American Teacher and Liberty. His op-eds are often published by Knight-Ridder and Scripps-Howard newspaper chains.

When Religion Turns Destructive

A Conversation about the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
Guest Speaker: Jim Peck, Professor at Muhlenberg College.
Tuesday, December 3, 2002 - 4:00pm
The Humanities Center, 224 W. Packer Avenue.
Professor Peck is the first cousin to Matthew Shepard, a gay University of Wyoming student who was the victim of a 1998 hate crime when he was beaten to death.
Sponsored by the Chaplain's Office and the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Ever wonder what the Bible says about Homosexuality?

Thursday, November 21, 2002 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
UC Room 403
Come to a speaking engagement  on "Homosexuality and the Bible," with speaker Rev. Beth Goudy of the Metropolitan Community Church of Bethlehem. She will discuss The Bible and Homosexuality but will also share experiences of being targeted by hate-groups and offer suggestions for pro-active responses.
The Event is sponsored by Safe Space, The Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Chaplain's Office.

From Death Row to Freedom: Voices of Innocence

Thursday, November 14, 2002 - 3:30pm
The Humanities Center, 224 W. Packer Avenue
A Chaplain’s Forum event at Lehigh University will bring two former PA death row inmates to campus to talk about their wrongful convictions and imprisonment.  The talk will be held on October 14th at 4:00 p.m. in the Lehigh University Humanities Center, 224 W. Packer Avenue.y.  The Lehigh visit is a part of a two-week series of public appearances throughout Pennsylvania by wrongfully convicted survivors of death row.
William Nieves, found innocent and released from Pennsylvania’s death row only two years ago, and Ray Krone, a Pennsylvania resident who was the 100th person in the United States released from death row after being found innocent, will be sharing their gripping tales with those in the audience.  The tour is organized by Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty and is co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, the Pennsylvania Prison Society and the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.  The Progressive Student Alliance is co-sponsoring the Chaplain’s Forum on the Lehigh campus.
Opportunity will be provided to ask questions of the speakers, and information will be available at the presentation on all the issues related to the use of the death penalty in the United States, especially in Pennsylvania.
The issue of the death penalty has received much recent attention in the press lately.  The United States Supreme Court recently ruled on jury discretion in capital case sentencing, several United States District Courts have declared the federal death penalty unconstitutional, and the PA Senate Judiciary Committee had recent hearings on the issue of executing mentally retarded inmates.  This is an opportunity for anyone interested in the issue of the death penalty, whether a supporter or opposed to it, to put a human face on one the most serious problems involved with capital punishment, wrongful conviction and the possibility of executing an innocent person.
The “Voices of Innocence” program will continue with an evening event at First Presbyterian Church, 333 Spring Garden Street, Easton at 7:00 p.m., Monday evening, October 14th.
NOTE: A Press Conference with the presenters will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, October 14th at the Lehigh University Humanities Center, 224 W. Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, prior the Chaplain’s Forum presentation of “Voices of Innocence.”  Contact the Chaplain’s Office at 610-758-3877 with questions or requests for further information. 

Carole Angier

Carole Angier, author of The Double Bond: the Life of Primo Levi (2002)
Monday, November 11, 2002 - 4:15pm
More information will follow.  
This talk will be co-sponsored by the Philosophy Dept., Humanities Center, Dept. of English, Dept. of Religion Studies, and the Chaplain's Office.

War with Iraq topic of talks

Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 4:00pm to Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 4:00pm
Henri J. Barkey, the Bernard and Bertha Cohen Professor of International Relations, will kick off a series of talks on the possibility of war with Iraq at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8th in Lehigh's Humanities Center at 224 W. Packer Ave. Barkey, who served with the Office of Policy Planning in the U.S. State Department from 1998 to 2000, will speak on "War With Saddam: The Case For and Against." The series of talks,organized by professors from Lehigh University's departments of English, history, international relations, political science and religion studies, along with the Chaplain's Office, the Humanities Center and the Faculty Development program, are free and open to the public. "Our purpose is to create an awareness of how this historical moment can affect the students and, moreover, of what their responsibility is in determining whether the U.S. goes to war," says John Pettegrew, professor of history and one of the organizers of events. "In the past, American colleges and universities have played a crucial role in public debate about war and peace. We believe that it is urgently necessary for Lehigh and the wider community to engage in democratic discussion of the proposed war on Iraq." Nearly 50 faculty members across the university’s four colleges signed a full-page ad that recently ran in the Lehigh student newspaper, The Brown and White, asking: "Would you fight, kill and die to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq?" The ad urged students to critically assess the war policy being promoted by the Bush administration, and "resist the rush to war." This year's events follow a teach-in organized last fall in response to the terrorist attacks of 9-11. "It was quite successful in engaging students in informed discussion," Pettegrew said. "We promised ourselves that we would continue to do more in that vein, and these talks are an outgrowth of that commitment." Each of the talks in the series will be held at the Humanities Center: All begin at 4 p.m. Future dates and topics are: Tuesday, October 15: "Terrorism, the U.S., and the Bombing of Civilians,"  by John Pettegrew, professor of history Tuesday, October 22: "Media Culture: Pounding the Drum for War vs. Imagining Peace," by Ted Morgan, professor of political science Wednesday, October 30: "War with Iraq: The Moral Issues," by Lloyd H. Steffen, university chaplain and professor of religion studies Wednesday, November 6: "Should We Support This War?" by Seth Moglen, professor of English.
For more information, contact Pettegrew at or 610-758-3355, or Dina Wills at or 610-758-3638. 

Barry Lynn

Barry Lynn, attorney, champion of religious liberty, and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church
Tuesday, December 4, 2001 - 7:30pm
Sinclair Lab Auditorium
In addition to his evening lecture, the Humanities Center will be hosting a reception for Lynn at 4:10 p.m. at 224 West Packer Avenue.  In keeping with the Humanities Center theme of “public intellectual,” Lynn will discuss informally his role in public debate over constitutional issues involving the First Amendment, including school vouchers and the controversial “faith based” initiative of the Bush Administration.  Lynn regularly appears on appears on television talk shows to debate or discuss public policy as it relates to the First Amendment. 
                                                                      Barry W. Lynn 
                                                                   Executive Director 
                                            Americans United for Separation of Church and State
    Before accepting the post at Americans United, Lynn held a variety of positions related to religious liberty. From1984 to 1991 he was legislative counsel for the Washington office of the American Civil Liberties Union, where he frequently worked on church-state issues. From 1974 to 1980 Lynn served in a variety of positions with the national offices of the United Church of Christ, including a two-year stint as legislative counsel for the Church's Office of Church in Society in Washington, D.C.
   A member of the Washington, D.C. bar, Lynn earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1978. In addition, he is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ who received his theology degree from Boston University School of Theology in 1973. Lynn earned his bachelor's degree at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 1970.
   An accomplished speaker and lecturer, Lynn has appeared frequently on television and radio broadcasts to debate and discuss First Amendment issues. News programs on which he has appeared include The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, Today Show, Nightline, CNN's Crossfire, 60 Minutes, The Phil Donahue Show, Good Morning America, national nightly news from NBC, ABC and CBS, Equal Time and Larry King Live. He also served for two years as regular co-host of "Pat Buchanan and Company" on the Mutual Broadcasting System, and now does a weekly syndicated radio program, "Review of  the News," with Col. Oliver North.
   Lynn is the co-author of the recently published The Right to Religious Liberty: The Basic ACLU Guide to Religious Rights. He writes frequently on First Amendment issues, appearing in publications such as USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Nation, 
American Teacher and Liberty. His op-eds are often published by Knight-Ridder and Scripps-Howard newspaper chains.
This talk is sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office and The Department of Religion Studies at Lehigh. Lynn is a native of Bethlehem.

My Escape From Death Row

William Nieves
Tuesday, November 13, 2001 - 4:15pm
Room 303 Whitaker Lab Auditorium
A presentation and discussion with William Nieves, Community Organizer, Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty
William Nieves was wrongfully convicted of 1st degree murder in Philadelphia, sentenced to death, 
and spent six years on Pennsylvania’s Death Row (July 1994 to October 20, 2000). 
After a successful appeal concerning inadequate counsel, he won a new trial and was then found “Not Guilty” 
This event is free and open to the public.
Mr. Nieves’ visit is made possible by Pennsylvania Coalition United Against the Death Penalty, The Lehigh Valley Committee Against State Killing, and the Chaplain’s Office of Lehigh University

Parents Under Seige: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good Parents

James Garbarino of Cornell University
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 7:00pm
Packard Lab Auditorium
This event, the first such collaborations between Lehigh and United Way, is free and open to the public.
Dr. Garbarino has authored or edited over a dozen books on child abuse, youth violence, education and families.  Appearing recently on bothDateline and The Today Show, Dr. Garabino is author of the volume that will be the topic of his talk, Parent's Under Seige, which was recently featured in Time magazine.
Garbarino Bio.:  Dr. James Garbarino is Co-Director of the Family Life Development Center and Elizabeth Lee Vincent Professor of Human Development at Cornell University.  Prior to his current position, he served as President of the Erikson Institute for Advanced Study in Child Development (1985-1994). He earned his B.A. from St. Lawrence University in 1968, and his Ph.D. in Human Development and FamilyStudies from Cornell University in 1973. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association.
    Dr. Garbarino has served as consultant or advisor to a wide range of organizations, including the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, the National Institute for Mental Health, the American Medical Association, the National Black Child Development Institute, the National Science Foundation, the National Resource Center for Children in Poverty, Childwatch International Research Network , the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect, and the FBI.  In 1991 he undertook missions for UNICEF to assess the impact of the Gulf War upon children in Kuwait and Iraq, and has served as a consultant for programs serving Vietnamese, Bosnian and Croatian children.
    Books he has authored or edited include: Parents Under Siege: Why You Are the Solution, Not the Problem, in Your Child¹s Life (2001); Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them (1999); Raising Children in a Socially Toxic Environment (1995); Let's Talk About Living in a Worldwith Violence (1993); Children in Danger: Coping With The Consequences of Community Violence (1992); Children and Families in the Social Environment, Second edition (1992); Saving Children: A Guide to Injury Prevention (1991); What Children Can Tell Us (1989); No Place To Be A Child: Growing Up In A War Zone (1991);  Special Children/Special Risks: The Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities (1987); The Psychologically Battered Child (1986); Troubled Youth, Troubled Families (1986); Adolescent Development: An Ecological Perspective (1985); Social Support Networks (1983); Successful Schools and Competent Students (1981); Understanding Abusive Families (1980; Second Edition, 1997); and Protecting Children From Abuse and Neglect (1980).
    Dr. Garbarino serves as a consultant to television, magazine, and newspaper reports on children and families, and in 1981, he received the Silver Award at the International Film and Television Festival of New York for co-authoring "Don't Get Stuck There: A Film on Adolescent Abuse." In 1985, he collaborated with John Merrow to produce "Assault on the Psyche," a videotaped program dealing with psychological abuse. He also serves as a scientific expert witness in criminal and civil cases involving issues of violence and children. 
    The National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect honored Dr. Garbarino in 1985 with its first C. Henry Kempe Award, in recognition of his efforts on behalf of abused and neglected children. In 1975, Dr. Garbarino was named a Spencer Fellow by the National Academy of Education and, in 1981, named a National Fellow by the Kellogg Foundation. In 1979, and again in 1981, he received the Mitchell Prize from the Woodlands Conference on Sustainable Societies. In 1987, he was elected President of the American Psychological Association's Division on Child, Youth and Family Services.
    In 1988, he received the American Humane Association's Vincent De Francis Award for nationally significant contributions to child protection. In 1989, he received the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Public Service, and in 1992, the Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues prize for research on child abuse. In 1993, he received the Brandt F. Steele Award from the Kempe National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, and 
n 1994 the American Psychological Association's Division on Child, Youth and Family Services¹ Nicholas Hobbs Award.  Also in 1994, he received the Dale Richmond Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics.  In 1995, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by St. Lawrence University. In 1999, he received the Humanitarian Award from the University of Missouri¹s International Center for Psychosocial Trauma, and in 2000 the President¹s Celebrating Success Award from the National Association of School Psychologists.

In Twenty Minutes You Die: The Fight to Save Philip Workman From Execution

Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 4:15pm

Joseph B. Ingle, Director, Neighborhood Justice Center of Nashville, TN will present a public Lecture on Philip Workman April 26th at 4:10 p.m. in Room 270, Maginnes Hall.   Rev. Ingle, a two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, is the author of Last Rights: 13 Fatal Encounters with the State's Justice.

In Twenty Minutes You Die: The Fight to Save Philip Workman From Execution

Joseph B. Ingle, Director, Neighborhood Justice Center of Nashville, TN Rev. Ingle, a two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, is the author of Last Rights: 13 Fatal Encounters with the State's Justice.
Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 4:15pm

The Lessons of Bill Clinton

Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 7:30pm

David Maraniss, PulitzerPrize winning author of First in His Class, a biolgraphy of Bill Clinton, and Assoicate editor of the Washington Post will present a public Lecture on Clinton at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 20 in Packard Auditorium.  Sponsored by the Visting Lecturers Committee.

The Lessons of Bill Clinton

David Maraniss, PulitzerPrize winning author of First in His Class, a biolgraphy of Bill Clinton, and Assoicate editor of the Washington Post will present a public Lecture on Clinton
Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 4:00pm
Packard Auditorium
Sponsored by the Visting Lecturers Committee.

Religion: Source of Violence or Source of Peace

Ronald J. Young, Executive Director of the U. S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Thursday, February 1, 2001 - 4:15pm

Public Lecture, "Is Peace in the Middle East Possible?"

Ronald J. Young, Executive Director of the U. S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 7:30pm
Sinclair Lab Auditorium

Is Peace in the Middle East Possible?

Ronald J. Young, Executive Director of the U. S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 7:30pm
Sinclair Lab Auditorium

When Justice Kills, Who will Help?

Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 4:00pm

Shawn Armbrust, Northwestern University's case coordinator for the Center on Wrongful Convictions, wil speak at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30, in Perella Auditorium, Rauch Business Center. The talk is sponsored by the Visiting Lectures Committeeis free of charge and open to the public.

When Justice Kills, Who will Help?

Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 4:00pm
Perella Auditorium, Rauch Business Center
The talk is sponsored by the Visiting Lectures Committeeis free of charge and open to the public.